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Von der Absprungrate, Page Speed, httpS und so… 22 Oct 2011 | 12:33 am

Es ist Freitag und mir bleibt gerade die Zeit ein paar Zeilen zu den (meinen) Themen dieser Woche niederzuschreiben. Irgendwie fing schon alles vor einer Woche, am letzten Freitag, den 15.10.2011 an, ...

Calcular la velocidad de carga de una web o blog 26 Jan 2012 | 08:51 am

Si dispones de una web o un blog y quieres saber que tal rinde en cuanto a velocidad de carga, puedes utilizar la herramienta de Google Page Speed Online. Con esta herramienta puedes medir cual es la ...

Google’s Online Tool: Page Speed 12 Nov 2011 | 10:16 pm

Google's online tool, Page speed can analyze the speed that a web page takes to load and scores it out of 100. Why is it useful? This is useful for web developers as it tells you how fast, out of a ...

Les 10 prédictions de Steve Souders dans le domaine des performances web 8 May 2010 | 08:30 pm

Précurseur dans le domaine de l'optimisation des performances web et créateur de l'outil YSlow (et sûrement très impliqué dans Google Page Speed), Steve Souders nous révèle ses 10 prédictions sur les ...

Google Page Speed nun auch für Chrome ! 24 Jul 2011 | 09:45 pm

Im April 2010 kündigte Google an, die Ladegeschwindigkeit von Webseiten in die Rangfolge seiner Suchergebnisse einfließen zu lassen. Chrome bietet seine Browsererweiterung Page Speed nun auch für den ...

Google's Page Speed Service To Speed Up Your Site Upto 2x 29 Jul 2011 | 01:13 am

Google wants to speed up the web by its latest Page Speed Service. With the launch of this latest service the search giant promises to speed up your site from 25 to 60 percent when you allow it to...

Google To Offer Content Delivery Service For Page Speed 29 Jul 2011 | 09:12 pm

Google To Offer Content Delivery Service For Page Speed Google announced they are starting a new service named Page Speed service. Essentially, this service will be Google fetching the content on yo...

The Need For Page Speed – Part 2 26 Sep 2011 | 12:21 pm

This is the second part in a series about Googles Page Speed tool.  In part 1 we learned why your sites speed is important and that it will affect your page ranking.  We ran an analysis using Google P...

The Need For Page Speed – Part 1 29 Aug 2011 | 02:40 pm

True or False?  The speed at which your website loads does affect your search engine optimization results.  If you answered True, then you answered correctly. A few years ago the answer to this questi...

How quick do you think your website is? Measure it with Google’s new Page Speed Online service 2 Apr 2011 | 11:34 am

Page Speed Online Google’s Page Speed Online really does help the average website designer/developer do more. The service will let you drill down and see which images for example are taking the long...

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