Most pagination codeigniter related news are at:

Check if user is logged in to Facebook 24 Apr 2012 | 05:00 pm
<p>I've recently had to check if a user is logged in to facebook. Fortunately, it was easy as cake.</p>
Check if user is logged in to Facebook 24 Apr 2012 | 10:00 am
<p>I've recently had to check if a user is logged in to facebook. Fortunately, it was easy as cake.</p>
More pagination codeigniter related news:
CodeIgniter and Doctrine from scratch. Day 10 – Pagination 20 Jan 2010 | 08:42 pm
Today we will be working on Pagination. "CodeIgniter and Doctrine from Scratch" Series: Day 1: Install and Setup Day 2: The Basics Day 3: User Signup Form Day 4: User Login Day 5: Database CRUD ...
Che numeri! 15 Apr 2010 | 03:22 am
Nel mese di Marzo, il sito ha di nuovo fatto registrare numeri importanti. 15 milioni di Pagine Viste sono una conferma per il portale che raccoglie citazioni, aforismi e poesie da t...
Statistiche 2008 1 Jan 2009 | 10:00 pm
Il 2008 è stato l’anno dei record: oltre 110 MILIONI di pagine viste su PensieriParole per un totale di quasi di 140 MILIONI di visualizzazione su tutto il network culturale leParole: le leggi di Murp...
Menubar 4.7 22 Feb 2010 | 12:15 pm
Menubar 4.7 migliora la gestione dei tipi PageTree e CategoryTree con l’aggiunta dei campi a selezione multipla Exclude e Headings. Il campo Exclude vi permette di specificare quali pagine o categorie...
Quick Freebie: Custom Pagination Style 13 Jul 2011 | 01:54 am
Last week on Premium Pixels we saw an awesome pagination theme as the daily freebie. To save any developers who choose to use this design in their theme some time, we decided to code it into a drop-in...
Animated Sortable Data Table jQuery plugin - jTPS 30 Aug 2008 | 08:00 am
Powerful datatable with animated pagination and natural sorting.
Visionnaire — Catalogo Prodotti 2011 7 Oct 2011 | 03:54 am
Catalogo prodotti di Visionnaire, linea di lusso dell’azienza Ipe. Copertina pantone metallico con texture in serigrafia opaca. Marchio in copertina: nastro a caldo oro, laserato. Pagine interne su ca...
jQuery plugin : jqPageFlow – scrolling pagination made easy 19 Jan 2009 | 02:12 am
jqPageFlow Simply put, this plugin makes the scrolling pagination found on sites like and Google Reader easy to implement on your site. A working demo is viewable here This is of course a...
صفحه بندي قسمت آرشيو كتگوري با paginate 11 Dec 2011 | 03:14 am
با سلام به دوستان من براي صفحه بندي صفحات سايت از پلاگين MTPaginate استفاده كرده ولي فقط صفحه اصلي رو صفحه بندي ميكنه و در قسمت آرشيو كنگوري ميگه بايد نسخه paginate pro بخري كه پولي هست و مانميتونيم ...
Pagination approach using get_posts() in WordPress 17 Apr 2011 | 06:31 am
Yesterday, I talk about using WP_query or query_posts or get_posts and today I am going to explain the approach I use to have pagination using get_posts(). The other two methods take care of the pagin...