Most paging blogger related news are at:

Tips to Impress Your Blog Visitors 5 Nov 2012 | 08:43 pm
First impression is the best and probably the ever lasting impression. But, more often than not, creating the best first impression is very difficult and downright challenging. As a blog owner, you ma...
Tips to Impress Your Blog Visitors 5 Nov 2012 | 08:43 pm
First impression is the best and probably the ever lasting impression. But, more often than not, creating the best first impression is very difficult and downright challenging. As a blog owner, you ma...
More paging blogger related news:
For The Benefit of Robert Scoble – A Twitter Lists Video, Yay! 30 May 2012 | 04:43 am
Over on his Google+ page, blogger Robert Scoble called out Twitter as the new social media ghost town. This was (kinda) in response to numerous respected sources saying the same thing about Scoble’s b...
Tutorial Letak Facebook Like Badge Masa Blog Dibuka 7 Dec 2011 | 02:29 am
Facebook dan blogger adalah kombinasi yang agak bagus. Dengan adanya facebook page, blogger dapat berinteraksi dengan pengunjung. Salah satu penggunaan yang cool adalah dengan meletakkan facebook like...
How to change maximum number of posts in Blogger label page 5 Jul 2012 | 08:40 am
Blogger has set a default maximum 20 blog posts in its label page (category page). This may or may not suit your preference or your purpose in setting up the label page. You may want to decrease it to...
Costumize loading page blogger (edit loading page blogger) 19 Jul 2011 | 08:19 am
to the point aja, ni source kode yang bisa anda pakai, tinggal copy paste saja code di bawah, <body onLoad='init()'><div id='loading' style='position:fixed; width:100%; text-align:center; top:300px;...
Title Text Otomatis Pada Judul Posting 22 May 2013 | 03:34 pm
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim MULTI PASTE - Membahas optimasi SEO on-page blogger memang tidak ada habisnya. Salah satu trik optimasi yang akan diungkap kali ini adalah bagaimana memberikan title text se...
Have You Ever Had a Neighbor from Hell? Playing for Keeps by RL Mathewson 22 Aug 2013 | 04:29 pm
PLAYING FOR KEEPS Neighbor from Hell Series R. L. Mathewson Rerum Publishing April 29, 2011 E-Book and Paperback, 225 pages Blogger Purchase AMAZON BARNES and NOBLE Done with being the world’s big...
XtremeZone Home Page 23 Jul 2010 | 06:34 am
Note: If you cannot view this page properly, go to Tools or View tab. and click on compatibility XtremeZone is an adventure sports pioneer in India and offers consumers, experiences in the alternativ...
Wordless Wednesday #8 29 Jun 2011 | 04:01 am
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #7 22 Jun 2011 | 04:45 am
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #6 15 Jun 2011 | 09:38 pm
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...