Most paid media secrets related news are at:

Engaging the Right Audience on LinkedIn 13 Apr 2012 | 03:21 am
(Cross posted on the Fleishman-Hillard DNA blog) LinkedIn, one of the established social networks, is making strides in advancing how businesses can leverage the platform to engage followers. Severa...
The Content Convergence Dilemma: Where’s the Content Department? 28 Oct 2011 | 01:59 am
By now most companies have figured out that good content is critical in a digital presence. That content can take many forms – user-generated, interactive, structured (data), marketing, conversationa...
More paid media secrets related news:
The Visual Dynamics of Social Media Marketing 27 Apr 2012 | 05:34 am
Every day my inbox is flooded with emails about social media secrets and updates. At times, it seems like a lot of hot air and most of what’s in my inbox I’ve already heard but after reviewing my emai...
5 Social Media Secrets to Saving Money 2 Apr 2010 | 05:32 am
Here is a great blog post I found on the ABC news website. It was linked from another blog I was reading. The post is entitled “5 Social Media Secrets to Saving Money” and it also contains a great vid...
Paid, Owned en Earned media & het rendement 26 Jan 2012 | 12:57 am
Verschillende soorten media Er wordt in de online wereld veelal een onderscheid gemaakt tussen paid, owned en earned media: Paid media: dit zijn betaalde advertenties waarvan jij als bedrijf volledi...
Ohio spending more to promote traffic safety 31 May 2012 | 03:19 am
The Ohio Department of Public Safety has increased its paid media advertisements 50 percent from two years ago to build year-round traffic safety awareness.
Thinking About Where to Spend Your Money in Social Media? 14 Sep 2010 | 11:39 am
Is your company active in social media? Then you’re probably asking yourself where to allocate your budget: to paid media or earned media - or some combination of both. If this is on your mind, we hop...
『トリプルメディアマーケティング』を読んで考えた未来のメトリックス 26 Jun 2010 | 08:57 pm
トリプルメディアマーケティングソーシャルメディア、自社メディア、広告の連携戦略著者:横山 隆治販売元:インプレスジャパン発売日:2010-06-25ADKインタラクティブの横山さんの新著を読みました。既存の広告枠などの買うメディアを"Paid Media"、自社サイトなどの所有す...
Paid Media will not show this – Narendra Modi asking 2 maintain peace after Godhara 21 Aug 2012 | 03:42 am
Youtube: Twitter: Facebook: Blog: Website: Category ...
Tips to utilize Twitter Paid Media Campaign 24 Sep 2012 | 12:28 pm
Social Media is the fastest way of the marketing because social networks expand day by day and lots of new advertising opportunities will come again & again. Paid Media Campaign on social media can he...
公关与新闻的界线日益模糊 8 Oct 2012 | 09:01 pm
作者:戴睿可 《金融时报》采访 PR Newswire CEO Ninan Chacko,认为 Paid media(付费媒 ... 首发:大推广;原文链接:公关与新闻的界线日益模糊。
Client Taps Paid Media to Lure Pay for Performance PR 23 Oct 2012 | 09:50 pm
The issue with lozenges? No matter what the flavor is, they suck. But a pitch from Ben at Solomon McCown & Company, on behalf of throat lozengeer Pine Brothers, caught my attention. The brand, founde...