Most pain fre period related news are at:

Don’t Watch This If You Just Ate A Chessburger… 25 Jun 2013 | 02:00 am
Came across this commercial on Films for Action…in it a hungry young man gets served some serious food for thought when his hot dog starts telling his dramatic life story. What he hears is sure to le...
Why Don’t We Eat Dogs? 21 Jun 2013 | 01:57 am
Question…why do we eat cows & pigs but not horses and dogs? What makes one animal fit to eat but not another? Let’s Talk About Food from letstalkaboutfooddoc on Vimeo.
More pain fre period related news:
“The Natural Period Pain Remedies Report” by Rebecca Bennett review 9 Apr 2012 | 12:43 am
Natural Period Pain Remedies Period and Menstrual Pain Relief Each month millions of women feel discomfort in their body during a certain period of time. It always happens a few days before their mens...
Shaklee Nutriferon Vs Period Pain! 6 Apr 2013 | 10:39 pm
Antara cabaran seorang wanita adalah menghadapi situasi ketika datang bulan / haid / period. Ramai wanita menghadapi masalah/ketidak selesaan/ period pain ketika period dan saya adalah salah seorang d...
Using Bruegel Paintings to Research Renaissance Period Clothing 15 Feb 2011 | 03:54 pm
This post is about the Renaissance painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525/1530 – 1569) and why his paintings are useful for researching Renaissance clothing. In summary: Pieter Bruegel the Elder pain...
Putting an End to Period Pain 30 May 2012 | 07:02 am
Period Pain As much as this is important for women to know guys should be aware of this also. Why? You may ask? Because you may have to look after your or someone else’s daughter one day. Another rea...
Downside of the Digital Age: Alleviating Pain From Computer Use 22 May 2012 | 07:10 am
If you spend 20 or more hours per week on the computer, experiencing pain in your arms or shoulders is common. Typing or using the mouse for long periods of time strains the muscles and eventually cau...
Dangers Of Vitamin Supplements: Vitamins Consumption May Cause Cancer 1 Dec 2011 | 03:19 am
If we take popular vitamin supplements in large quantities during an extended period of time, it may cause cancer, liver pain, depression and stomach upset. This was a conclusion of Food Standards Age...
R&R ICE HOT BAG (Large, 11″, Dark Blue) 26 May 2012 | 04:16 pm
Product description: R&R Ice/Hot Bag is ideal for pain relieve from sport injuries, aching muscles, menstrual period, headache and rheumatic fever. Helps reduce pain and swelling from bruises, muscula...
Sally Healey 25 Apr 2011 | 05:50 pm
A very painful period in Sally’s life in the mid-80s flamed her determination to overcome adversity and become a success. Finding her passion in coaching others, she ventured back to university to gai...
10 Tips To Feel Better During Your Period 9 Apr 2012 | 06:54 pm
Being a woman is wonderful until that dreaded time of your period arrives. Some young women say they never get cramps with their periods, while others experience severe pain and fatigue every month. P...
Essential Carrying a child Guidance Ladies Ought To Know About 30 May 2012 | 08:49 pm
Although many ladies respect carrying a child as being a wonderful and wonderful practical experience, other folks recall it a time period of soreness, aches and pains, heartburn, nausea or vomiting, ...