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New splashes 9 Feb 2006 | 08:40 am
splashes from CorelDRAW, Dreamweaver, FineReader, Fireworks, Flash, Fontographer, Maya, Nero Burning ROM, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop Elements, Quark XPress and Visual Basic (with thanks to Kai Uwe Brou...
Gratis Kosttilskudd for Kjæledyr 19 Feb 2012 | 01:19 pm
Klikk Liker! Verdens beste kosttilskudd for kjæledyr kan du her få gratis i 4 uker! Med Pet Pro vil du raskt merke at ditt kjæledyr raskt får tettere, kratigere og blankere pels Pet Pro® styrker led...
Free Graphics Alternatives 22 Apr 2012 | 10:57 pm
With Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop and most other popular image editors being commercial, paid-for software, you might be forgiven for thinking that there aren’t any free alternatives. While they’re not v...
Paint Shop Pro 8 Zero to Hero 9 Jan 2012 | 12:04 am
Gallery 128 11 Mar 2011 | 09:36 pm
Untitled by Ed Goetic (created on PC with graphics tablet, Paint Shop Pro 7) Thanks Ed, love this one, great eyes, looks like he's staring right through you.
Corel VideoStudio Tutorials, Best Video Studio Tutorials 16 Dec 2011 | 07:34 am
Part 1: Corel VideoStudio Essential Techniques Part 2: Corel VideoStudio Creative Techniques Part 3: Corel VideoStudio Explosive Techniques Part 4: Corel VideoStudio Painting Creator Pro X3 Overview ...
110 db új kép 27 Jul 2010 | 12:11 am
Corel Paint Shop Pro - közismert nevén PSP - képszerkesztő programot használók figyelmébe! A Képgalériában új menüpont: PSP brushes! Kategóriák: Dekor Victorian Virágok Sarokdíszek Vegyes Ha n...
Impression des covers 13 Feb 2007 | 10:22 am
Pour l'impression de vos covers, CoverFutur vous propose différentes solutions simples ! Vous pouvez : - soit utiliser un logiciel de retouche d'image comme Photoshop ou Paint Shop Pro, mais ils sont...
Probajte sami - slobodni tutorijali! 24 May 2011 | 12:31 am
Ako nemate program Paint Shop Pro, skinite probnu verziju sa linka Code: i pokusajte sami napraviti ovo: Code: http://hobi-grafi...
Uitleg: Fireworks 17 Dec 2008 | 09:08 am
Fireworks is een heerlijk programma dat ik ooit eens uit nieuwsgierigheid heb gedownload. Het is een eenvoudigere versie van Photoshop en Paint Shop Pro. Het werkt heel gemakkelijk en is voor een begi...