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X fortas “DZŪKIJOS GLADIATORIAI” turnyre 19 Jun 2012 | 04:53 am
2012 metų Birželio 16 dieną X fortas komanda dalyvavo dažasvydžio turnyre 3×3 “DZŪKIJOS GLADIATORIAI”, kuris vyko Alytaus mieste. Komanda dalyvavo 2 divizione ir užėmė II vietą. Žaidimų ataskaita: ...
Akcija – Moksleivių vasara! 17 May 2012 | 03:18 am
Šią vasarą dažasvydžio klube X fortas visiems moksleiviams bus taikomos nerealios nuolaidos. Žaidimas vienam asmeniui su 200 kamuoliukų kainuos tik 35lt. Pepraleiskit progos pasitaškyti! Nuolaida tai...
More paintball in kaunas related news:
Artimiausi pristatymai ir renginiai 27 Mar 2011 | 11:15 pm
Pirmoji balandžio pusė nusimato įtempta pagal renginių gausą: Balandžio 5, Kaunas – Lietuvos .NET naudotojų grupės susitikimas iš Windows Phone 7 programavimo (registracija bus paskelbta artimiausiom...
Sonny Weems and Lakers April 2012 Schedule Wallpapers 31 Mar 2012 | 12:18 am
New wallpaper of Sonny Weems in Zalgiris Kaunas uniform and wallpaper of LA Lakers schedule for April 2012...
Welcome to 26 Apr 2010 | 05:18 am
Welcome to, the Authoritative source for Paintball Photography on the web! We hope you enjoy your stay here on the site and hope you check back often as we will be updating ou...
UAB TELE-FONIKA Baltic 25 Oct 2011 | 07:23 am
UAB TELE-FONIKA Baltic jest spółką handlową, zależną od TELE-FONIKA Kable Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. Została założona w styczniu 2006 roku w miejscowości Kaunas na Litwie. Spółka jest odpowiedzialna za sprzed...
Practical Guide To Buy Your Paintball Gun 22 Apr 2011 | 09:26 am
Have you decided to buy your paintball gun exclusively for yourself? This article intend to give you some tips on what to consider when you do the research and make the final decision. What To Consid...
Ten Ways To Master The Art Of Playing Paintball 21 Apr 2011 | 08:17 am
Since the paintball game was discovered, many enthusiasts have found that this game is a stress reliever and some have even made a career out of it. But funds are usually short for average players an...
Paintball Markers: For Some Gun Down Actions 21 Apr 2011 | 08:17 am
Paintball Markers If you enjoy playing war games on your personal computers or play stations, then you would probably love playing paintball. Just like the computer-generated war games, paintball is...
Top 10 Paintball Fields In America 20 Apr 2011 | 07:47 am
Top 10 Paintball Fields In America Paintball is a huge sport these days. In every state and even every city you can find a paintball field that can work for you and your crew. There are several types...
How To Start A Paintball Field Business 19 Apr 2011 | 07:05 am
Starting A Paintball Field Business Starting your own paintball field is a great way to make money and get to play paintball as often as you want! However, this is just not as easy as setting up a f...
Paintball Game Tips and Tricks 19 Apr 2011 | 07:05 am
Paintball Game Tips and Tricks Paintball game is a recreational activity that is competitive and enjoyed by many. It also encompasses camaraderie as you play along with friends against your opponents...