Most painting sanguine warmachine related news are at:
Screamer Council: is it "top dog" at a tournament? 25 Aug 2013 | 03:32 pm
It's not just Shredder that is unkillable..... It's one of the hot topics - now that Tau and Mech/Hybrid Eldar (or of course TauDar) are flooding the tournament boards, how do we kill them? How do we...
Tyranids and the future: List Review -ETC 2013 20 Aug 2013 | 02:11 pm
ETC 2013 List Review and way forward: Simply put, the Tyranids went past the point of "best efficiency". Continuous tweaks to make the list as balanced as possible meant that points were directed awa...
More painting sanguine warmachine related news:
Warma=Hoarding 25 Jul 2012 | 06:00 pm
Hey guys, how is it going? I'm currently involved in a Summer/Fall Warmachine/Hordes Slow-Grow league and I thought I would share a photo I took last night of my currently full painted Menoth models....
Change of Plans: Dark Vengeance Angry Marines 29 Oct 2012 | 10:32 pm
I was not at all satisfied with my Consecrators. The color scheme was relied 100% on the same colors as my Angels Sanguine. Add to this, the fact that I have been dying to paint some yellow marines, ...
Fantasy GT Update - 6 spots left 14 Aug 2013 | 04:18 pm
Quick PSA - Only 6 of 64 spots remain in the Fantasy GT. Infinity, Warmachine, and 40k are all also very close to sold out. The Masterclass Painting Seminar #10 (see schedule) has I think 1 spot lef...