Most palm pre plus related news are at:

Akku wie Sony NP-FE1 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Artikel-Nr.: 8486 Dieser Li-Ion Akku ersetzt den original Akku Sony NP-FE1. Der Akku ist für folgende Digitalkamera / Camcorder Modelle geeignet: Sony DSC-T7 Den Akku können Sie als Ersatzakku ode...
Akku wie Sony NP-FC11 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Artikel-Nr.: 8485 Dieser Li-Ion Akku ersetzt den original Akku Sony NP-FC11. Der Akku ist für folgende Digitalkamera / Camcorder Modelle geeignet: Sony DSC-P2 / P3 / P5 / P7 / P8 / P9 / P10 / P12 /...
More palm pre plus related news:
AT&T Palm Pre Plus now a Penny on Amazon! 16 Jun 2010 | 05:10 am
Do you want the best smartphone you can get right now for under a dollar? Yes you can, AT&T is offering the Palm Pre Plus for just a penny over at Amazon. There’s a load of choices for many great sm...
Übersicht Spezifikationen von Pre Plus, Pre 2, Pre 3 und Veer 20 May 2011 | 03:15 am
Hier einmal im direkten Vergleich, die Spezifikationen der einzelnen Geräte auf einen Blick um die Kaufentscheidung vielleicht zu erleichtern. Palm Pre Plus Palm Pre 2 HP Pre 3 HP Veer Displaygrö...
Palm unveils new phones: Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus 10 Jan 2010 | 04:52 am
Today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Palm introduced Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus with several new enhancements. The Palm Pre Plus sports a streamlined design that simplifies navig...
Bell Palm Pre Drops to $0 25 Jan 2010 | 04:01 am
With the imminent release of the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, Bell has dropped the price tag once again on its Palm Pre, but this time to a impressive $0. The catch is you're still required to be ...
Palm at CES 2010. Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, 3D Gaming and more! 10 Jan 2010 | 06:07 am
So Palm is back at CES this year and they surprised us all again! Here's what is coming down the Palm pipeline: Verizon is brining 2 revamped webOS Smartphones. The Palm Pre Plus, it sports a 16GB....
webOS-смартфоны - Прошивки • Re: Русификация прошивки webOS 1.4.x 26 Aug 2013 | 11:27 pm
НАКОНЕЦ ТО, РЕШЕНИЕ ЕСТЬ !!! 2 суток и Palm Pre Plus (Verizon) русифицирован ! вот где была загвоздка: После загрузки телефона идем в Regional Settings и в языках выбираем Русский. Если после перезагр...
15 things that suck about the Palm Pre 10 Jun 2009 | 04:59 pm
I’m coming from a Blackberry 8830, and after having a Palm Pre for a few days, I have quite a few criticisms. It’s not to say I don’t like the Palm Pre, but it definitely isn’t perfect. BATTERY LIFE!...
Mobile Declaration (Special Edition) 4 Jul 2010 | 05:00 pm
Found under: Education, Elementary, Liberty, History Submitted: 2010-07-04 Summary: This app will bring you the Declaration of Independence on your Palm Pre Pixi Please register the app after downlo...
Energizer gives your battery a boost! 26 Oct 2010 | 02:35 pm
With the likes of the PowerMat and Touchstone for the Palm Pre innovating the way we charge our phones at home, it was only a matter of time before some one ensured your phone stayed juiced while you’...
HP Veer 4G, just One Penny at Amazon! 30 Jul 2011 | 07:22 am
If you are looking to upgrade your old Palm Pre to the next-generation, look no further than the HP Veer 4G, only a penny on Amazon, CLICK HERE to check out this awesome deal.