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AT&T Palm Pre Plus now a Penny on Amazon! 16 Jun 2010 | 05:10 am
Do you want the best smartphone you can get right now for under a dollar? Yes you can, AT&T is offering the Palm Pre Plus for just a penny over at Amazon. There’s a load of choices for many great sm...
Übersicht Spezifikationen von Pre Plus, Pre 2, Pre 3 und Veer 20 May 2011 | 03:15 am
Hier einmal im direkten Vergleich, die Spezifikationen der einzelnen Geräte auf einen Blick um die Kaufentscheidung vielleicht zu erleichtern. Palm Pre Plus Palm Pre 2 HP Pre 3 HP Veer Displaygrö...
Palm unveils new phones: Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus 10 Jan 2010 | 04:52 am
Today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Palm introduced Palm Pre Plus and Palm Pixi Plus with several new enhancements. The Palm Pre Plus sports a streamlined design that simplifies navig...
Bell Palm Pre Drops to $0 25 Jan 2010 | 04:01 am
With the imminent release of the Palm Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, Bell has dropped the price tag once again on its Palm Pre, but this time to a impressive $0. The catch is you're still required to be ...
Palm at CES 2010. Pre Plus and Pixi Plus, 3D Gaming and more! 10 Jan 2010 | 06:07 am
So Palm is back at CES this year and they surprised us all again! Here's what is coming down the Palm pipeline: Verizon is brining 2 revamped webOS Smartphones. The Palm Pre Plus, it sports a 16GB....
webOS-смартфоны - Прошивки • Re: Русификация прошивки webOS 1.4.x 26 Aug 2013 | 11:27 pm
НАКОНЕЦ ТО, РЕШЕНИЕ ЕСТЬ !!! 2 суток и Palm Pre Plus (Verizon) русифицирован ! вот где была загвоздка: После загрузки телефона идем в Regional Settings и в языках выбираем Русский. Если после перезагр...
Palm Pixi Update : Now Run Custom APN for internet Aircel/BSNL/Uninor/etc 28 May 2012 | 12:45 am
hi, One of my readers recently updated me after going through this post about how to run almost any service provider’s internet on the awesome Palm Pixi Plus and hence on Palm Pre or Veer or any webO...
Dutch PHP Conference 2013 23 Apr 2013 | 11:56 pm
Ibuildings is proud to organise the seventh Dutch PHP Conference on June 7 and 8, plus a pre-conference tutorial day on June 6. Both programs will be completely in English so the only Dutch thing ab...
Nite Ize Connect Cradle Universal for HP TouchPad, Pre 3, Veer / Palm Pre 2, Pre Plus, Pre 21 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
The Connect Cradle Universal Mobile Device Holder is a versatile way to create multiple docking stations for your device in your car, home, and office. Buy Now $17.95
WHOOSH! Screen Shine POCKET for HP TouchPad, Pre 3, Veer / Palm Pre 2, Pre Plus, Pre 5 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
This little guy holds about 100 shots & is totally stashable so you can keep your phone clean & shining like new. Buy Now $4.99