Most paltalk related news are at:

BIG offline support Ubuntu 12.04 - Miền Bắc 9 May 2012 | 03:15 pm
Đến hẹn lại lên, ( thật ra là đến hẹn mình lại bị đùn việc thoai )! Thay mặt ban quản trị diễn đàn mình xin thông báo về sự kiện offline ubuntu 12.04! kijuto#1 -
Gặp mặt chào mừng ubuntu-vn 12.04 - TP HCM 23 Apr 2012 | 02:14 am
Phiên bản ubuntu 12.04 LTS hứa hẹn nhiều thay đổi về hiệu suất cũng như độ ổn định. Dĩ nhiên đây là phiên bản được mong chờ trong vòng 2 năm. Để góp phần phong phú nội dung các buổi gặp mặt offline th...
More paltalk related news:
Video Conferencing 27 Mar 2010 | 10:34 pm
Hey Tarek I have a question. I need to do a video conference which is better Skype or Paltalk and can i have more than 2 cams on view in either Skype : Skype is good if you have 1 on 1 video conferen...
Infos : reprise des cours sur paltalk ! 23 May 2012 | 05:04 am
{simplepopup} Reprise des cours sur paltalk... Nous annonçons a nos frères et sœurs fi Allahi Ta`ala que les cours reprennent in sha Allah dans le salon : « les repères de la sunna » (paltalk >relig...
Poll - Will you vote for Obama in 2012 29 May 2010 | 09:15 am
Come and chat with us:
Khai trương website TaiKhoanVIP! 11 May 2012 | 08:51 pm
Khai trương website bán tài khoản download, paltalk, skype, giftcard itunes… Mua hàng online tại!
Next class 12th of April 11 Apr 2011 | 11:59 pm
Next class will be on the 12th of April at 21.30. We will use paltalk liipoker meeting as usual and
next class 5th of April (cancelled) 4 Apr 2011 | 11:18 pm
Jeppe is sick, so we have to cancel tonight’s coaching and post pone to next week. 21.30 in liipoker meeting on paltalk and we will use for jeppes screen. New videos have been uploaded.
Next class 29th of March 29 Mar 2011 | 12:12 am
Next class is on the 29th of March at 21.30. liipoker meeting on paltalk and we will use again. Jeppe is coming back from Denmark the same day, so we hope there are no delays.
next class 22nd of March 22 Mar 2011 | 08:45 am
Next class is the 22nd of March 21.30 on paltalk liipoker meeting and using to see the teachers screen.
Class Tuesday 15th of March 14 Mar 2011 | 11:17 pm
Next class is Tuesday 15th of March at 21.30 CET. This time we will try to use for showing the screen of jeppe. We will be in the chat liipoker meeting on paltalk. You can see the first vid...
Tuesday 8th of March 3rd class 7 Mar 2011 | 11:16 am
For the next class we will be using Teamviewer, so you should download it and open an account. You can add Jeppe on teamviewer with: bechliipoker We will still use paltalk liipoker meeting for chat. ...