Most paper quilling alphabet related news are at:

Free Swing Card SVG GSD MTC Cutting File- Scalloped Circle Design 16 Aug 2013 | 08:40 am
Free Swing Card Card to Download in GSD SVG and MTC formats Material Used for Free Swing Card: KNK Digital Cutter Bazzill Basic’s Grandma’s Feather Bed cardstock Doublemates Raspberry cardstock. E-Z R...
Guest Post on Today: Making Your own Slider Buckles 29 Jul 2013 | 05:30 pm
Very pleased to be guest posting today! I made up these easy and fun ribbon sliders tha tare buckle shapes and then glitter-ized . Hope you enjoy! Here are the file to make the cards on my guest post ...
More paper quilling alphabet related news:
Paper Quilling - GREETING 3d 4 Jul 2012 | 01:03 am
Here it goes sistaaa.. paper quilling yg tampak 3dimensi.. nice bgt utk ucapan selamat ultah.. bentuk baru dr kartu ucapan yg lebih spesial ;). like iiitttt
Salt Lake Bride & Groom 9 Dec 2012 | 11:06 am
I'm. Still. Alive! This is the first time I've had access to these photos so even though I'm not still churning out cakes, I thought I'd document it for posterity. I've always thought paper quilling i...
Paper Quilling Fish- Nimo, Tang 20 May 2013 | 08:20 am
"니모를 찾아서"(Finding Nimo)라는 픽사에서 만든 애니메이션 영화를 보신적 있죠? 아마 10년 전일거예요. 니모를 찾기 위해서 아빠가 좌충우돌하는 장면이나 천진난만한 니모가 위험한 모험을 떠났다가 구출되는 노랑색 니모를 보고 종이감기로 만들어 봤어요. 니모(Nimo) 물고기를 검색하다 발견한 Tang이라는 물고기도 넘 예뻐서 종이 ...
Paper Quilling Fish- Nimo, Tang 20 May 2013 | 08:20 am
"니모를 찾아서"(Finding Nimo)라는 픽사에서 만든 애니메이션 영화를 보신적 있죠? 아마 10년 전일거예요. 니모를 찾기 위해서 아빠가 좌충우돌하는 장면이나 천진난만한 니모가 위험한 모험을 떠났다가 구출되는 노랑색 니모를 보고 종이감기로 만들어 봤어요. 니모(Nimo) 물고기를 검색하다 발견한 Tang이라는 물고기도 넘 예뻐서 종이....
MAKING CARD PAPER QUILLING 12 Jul 2013 | 11:26 pm
Kartu ini dibuat dari kertas concord yang di hias dengan pita dan dekorasi dari paper quilling. Mudah membuatnya dengan alat dan bahan yang sudah tersedia/siap pakai dipasaran. Kartu dapat dipesan...
Which Paper Quilling Tool to Use? 26 Aug 2013 | 09:36 pm
Long handle, short handle, metal handle, rubber handle, fine tip, wide tip, needle tip, eek! If you are looking at all the different paper quilling tools available and you want to know a little more ...
Tutorial for Making Paper Quilled Earrings and Pendants in Teardrop, Marquis, and Paisley Shapes 27 Apr 2013 | 08:14 am
I have another tutorial to share today! This has been in the works for quite some time, and finally I took photos of the finished pieces this week so I could finish up the tutorial. And it’s ready! ...
Paper Quilled Carrot Magnet 10 Apr 2013 | 08:18 pm
Yesterday I posted about the Dogbert and Dilbert magnets that I had made for my brother. Here is another magnet I made as a gift, this time for my father. He is an avid gardener, so I thought this...
Dilbert Magnets made from Paper Quilling 9 Apr 2013 | 09:03 pm
Handmade gifts were a norm in my family when I was growing up. With ample time for crafting and little money for spending, it was the best way to give a thoughtful gift to a family member or friend. ...
Paper Quilling For All Budgets – FREE 9 Apr 2013 | 08:24 pm
I’m starting a series of posts about paper quilling for all budgets. Paper quilling is one of the few fantastic crafts that can be done on ALL budgets – all the way from FREE to SPLURGE! Today, in pa...