Most paper replika related news are at:

Hello! 27 Aug 2013 | 04:42 pm
I'm Michael from Romania and I'm more interested in Origami but I want to start papercrafting. Happy folding/cutting/glueing!
School Trebuchet Project 27 Aug 2013 | 01:29 pm
Hello Friends, I have been rather busy of late. I entered my engineering class into an inter-schools competition for designing and building a medieval trebuchet. They subsequently won said competitio...
More paper replika related news:
Sekilas Mengenai Peri Kertas (Paper Replika Indonesia) 7 Dec 2010 | 05:25 pm
Sejarah Awalnya, beberapa penggemar model kertas membuat thread di forum Kaskus dengan tujuan berbagi informasi. Lambat laun dengan semakin banyaknya penggemar kertas berbahasa Indonesia, para kontri...
Big Paper is watching you 3 Mar 2013 | 11:20 pm
Bild: Kameras verfolgen uns mittlerweile auf Schritt und Tritt, sowohl im öffentlichen wie privaten Umfeld. Aber ab jetzt wird zurückgefilmt – zumindest auf den ersten Blick: Die Übe...
Model of the Month: T-47 Snowspeeder / paper-replika / 1:20 13 Apr 2013 | 07:58 pm
Hello everybody , there is my version of snowspeeder. It is not one of the best, but still it looks like T-47 - Good job Julius. Great model ...
Star Wars - T-47 Snowspeeder /Paper-Replika/ Free, 1:20 17 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
Zdravím všetkých modelárov, hlavne papierákov. Dnes som sa pustil do ďalšieho oddychového modelu z dielne Paper-Replika. Zopár technických dát k modelu: Autor: Julius Perdana Zdroj: http://www.paper-r...
Papertoys Minions (x 2) 18 Aug 2013 | 04:52 pm
Après les papercrafts de Paper Replika, voici les Minions en version papertoy. On doit cette nouvelle création à Little Plastic Man qui a profité de la sortie du deuxième volet de "Moi, Moche et Mécha...
Jan 31, Drawing with confidence. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:25 am
Most artists tend to use HB pencils when they are drawing. However, this grade can cut into paper leaving permanent grooves.... I prefer to use a
Jan 31, Push and Pull Make the background count. 1 Feb 2011 | 05:08 am
In this rose painting I painted water on the background and only when the shine had gone I painted in shapes of the back ground roses (as the paper was
The New Rules of PR (2006) 2 Jan 2012 | 10:09 pm
The New Rules of PR (2006) How to create a press release strategy for reaching buyers directly “One of the most read business white papers in history” — Anne Holland, MarketingSherpa download now
Graph Paper Press Coupon Code 25 Mar 2012 | 10:38 pm
Let’s face it, your blog is ugly! Your navigation bar is hard to find and difficult to use, you heavily abused the blink and marquee tag and when people use it they wonder why the design wasn’t droppe...
The Demise Of Debt Consolidation Loans 18 May 2012 | 10:40 pm
For many years Debt Consolidation has been a well regarded and effective means of managing debts and controlling finances for consumers. After sitting down with a pen and paper doing a few calculation...