Most papier mache blog related news are at:

{ Create } Finger Knitted Necklace 17 Aug 2013 | 08:22 pm
The beautiful and talented Lucille Michieli has created this fun finger knitting tutorial – showing us a snazzy way to make wooly necklaces and bracelets – and we love the idea of wearing this as head...
{ Visit } Life In Style 13 Aug 2013 | 07:33 pm
Papier mache headed to Melbourne last weekend to attend Life in Style. Australia’s leading trade fair in everything wonderful. Held in the majestic Royal Exhibition Building we were delighted to see ...
More papier mache blog related news:
Writing Is Like Doing Paper Mache 22 Nov 2011 | 12:26 am
Writing can be like that intriguing form of artwork called papier mache, in which paper is glued onto a surface to begin with, and then more is glued on as each bit dries, until the combination of pap...
the thing about figureheads 3 Aug 2011 | 12:56 pm
the thing about figureheads is, they don’t really LEAD, per se, they just give you a large papier mache puppet you can easily see from a distance to see which way the parade is going. leaders inspire...
Aniołek z masy papierowej 28 Mar 2012 | 08:30 am
Po długiej nieobecności ... Lawendowy Anioł z papier mache
Papugi z papier mache 9 Oct 2010 | 07:32 am
Dwie papugi z papier mache (zrobione jeszcze w kwietniu, tylko jeszcze nie pokazywane): Więcej zdjęć tu:
Fake Fruit Factory 30 Dec 2009 | 08:54 am
Director: Chick Strand Starring: Not Applicable Year: 1986 Runtime: 22 mins. Synopsis: Intimate documentary about young women who make papier mache fruit and vegetables in a small factory in Mexic...
Sac en papier peint 22 Apr 2012 | 11:56 pm
Tuto Sac en papier peint Blog Absolument déco
Papier maché alebo kašírovanie 14 Mar 2012 | 05:26 am
Túto vysmiatu "kočku" som začala tvoriť asi pred dvoma rokmi, ale... nedokončila som ju. Chýbali jej uši a ňufáčik. A tak smutne ležala na dne krabice a čakala na svoje zrodenie. Jej čas nastal minulý...
Sac en papier peint 22 Apr 2012 | 07:56 pm
Tuto Sac en papier peint Blog Absolument déco
Church keeps alive Bute’s veteran support traditions 11 Oct 2012 | 01:15 am
This fascinating photograph shows a group of volunteers making papier-mache artificial limbs for veterans of the First World War at St Paul’s Church Hall in Rothesay - where the congregation of 2012 i...
Easter in Florence 2 Apr 2013 | 06:44 pm
Do you know about the Easter tradition of the 16th century wooden cart that is hauled by four white oxen to the Piazza del Duomo, covered in fireworks, and set alight by a flaming papier mache dove th...