Most paradis between islam and christian related news are at:

எத்தனை கோலங்கள் இத்தைகைய இடையறா விபத்தால். 25 Aug 2013 | 08:17 am
எத்தனை கோலங்கள் இத்தைகைய இடையறா விபத்தால். குடித்துவிட்டு ஓட்டும் வாகன ஊர்தியர் அறிவாரோ இந்நிலை ! ———————————————————————————– “ஏம்மா! அழறே” “ஒண்ணுமில்லேடா கண்ணு! தான் அழுவதைக் குழந்தை பார்த்துவி...
அமெரிக்கா முழுவதும் வியப்போடுப் பார்க்கப்படும் ஒரு தமிழர்- ஸ்ரீதர்! 24 Aug 2013 | 07:37 am
கே.ஆர். ஸ்ரீதர் – இன்றைய தேதியில் அமெரிக்கா முழுமைக்கும் வியப்போடு கவனிக்கப்பட்டு வரும் பெயர்…. இதுவரை யாருமே செய்திராத ஓர் அதிசயத்தை செய்து காட்டியதன் மூலம் அமெரிக்க பிஸினஸ் உலகமே இவரை அண்ணாந்து பார...
More paradis between islam and christian related news:
Divide and Conquer: Why Wahhabi Islam and Christian Zionism were created 13 Mar 2012 | 10:41 am
If we want to counteract an agenda of war and oppression, lies and deceptions, we need to overcome our tendency to fall for sectarian hate-mongering. This is exactly the way of how we are being manipu...
Convert from Islam to Christianity Beheaded 2 Jul 2012 | 11:37 am
By Dan Wooding Founder of ASSIST Ministries CAIRO, EGYPT(ANS) According to the UK-based Barnabas Fund, video footage of a convert from Islam to Christianity being murdered by Muslims has been shown ...
Prayer for Christians in Egypt 17 Jan 2013 | 11:23 pm
Please join us in praying for Christians in Egypt as we receive news of a woman and her children being sentenced to 15 years in prison for converting from Islam to Christianity. This is a dangerous s...
NAI Exclusive: NYC Muslim NOT Happy With Christian Preaching for Jesus! 8 Aug 2013 | 10:59 am
One popular IslamoCON is when Muslims say they respect Jesus. They say this in an effort to get non-Muslims to believe Islam is Christian friendly. But the reality is that Muslims respect a different ...
Book Review: Pathetic plight of Christian scholars from Asia – N.S. Rajaram 24 Aug 2013 | 06:01 am
“Theology is the distinctive contribution and concern of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Christianity it has been taken to such stratospheric heights that for an outside...
Iranian convert to be sent into exile for his evangelistic activities 27 Aug 2013 | 02:00 pm
An Iranian convert from Islam to Christianity has been sentenced to serve a year in jail followed by two years in exile in a remote border town for his evangelistic activities. Ebrahim Firouzi of Rob...
Dua Gereja di padang di ancam akan dihancurkan ormas islam 26 Nov 2012 | 02:32 pm
Indonesian Christian Defence League - Padang - Para gerombolan masa (FKOI) – Forum Komunikasi Organiasasi Islam mendatangi lokasi dua gereja yang berada si pasaman barat, kedua Gereja yang sedang dala...
Hit hard, hit fast, hit often 28 Dec 2008 | 08:42 pm
By Cherson Islam is this, Islam is that…? ANY monotheist religion is peaceful until it is weak. But as soon as it becomes strong it stops being peaceful. Christianity is peaceful? And millions of mur...
Malaysia religion 2 Feb 2008 | 09:28 am
Malaysia is a multi-religious association and Islam is the official religion. According to the Citizenry about 30 percent of the citizenry accomplished Islam, 20 percent Buddhism, 20 percent Christian...
Pakistani Christians, Hindu continue to face forced conversions to islam 29 Apr 2012 | 09:49 am
But remember, islam is a religion of peace, and there is no compulsion in religion. As long as you’re muslim, support the pedophile Muhamhead, and slay the infidels wherever you find them. After Hind...