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Partition Manager 10 Express free license 17 Jan 2010 | 06:45 am
Get it here Get the original! Paragon Software’s advanced partitioning tools help you completely control and manage your hard disks. With growing hard drive capacity, the need to reasonably split up...
Free Download Paragon Backup & Recovery 2012 29 Dec 2011 | 01:47 pm
Paragon Backup & Recovery 2012 is free version of this powerful backup tools. This paragon software is excellent software to create backup your important data. Apparently paragon free is the best choi...
Partition Manager 11 Personal 20 Nov 2011 | 07:21 pm
Paragon Software's advanced partitioning tools help you completely control and manage your hard disks. With growing hard drive capacity, the need to reasonably split up the space is more important tha...
Gratis! Paragon Software Special Editions 3 May 2009 | 05:48 pm
Kembali saya memberikan info tentang software gratis yang full. VNUnet yang bekerja sama dengan Paragon, memberikan software Paragon Software Special Edition, anda dapat mendownloadnya dari link dibaw...
Paragon veröffentlicht Camptune X 12 Apr 2012 | 11:18 pm
Freiburg, 12. April 2012 - Die Paragon Software Group ermöglicht den Pragmatikern unter den „ Macianern“, also all denjenigen Mac-Anwendern, die trotz Apple-Begeisterung nicht auf Windowsverzichten mö...
Paragon Migrate to UEFI überträgt Betriebssysteme auf BIOS-Nachfolger 20 Dec 2011 | 03:58 am
Freiburg, 19. Dezember 2011 - Im Early Adopter Programm der Paragon Software Group erhalteninteressierte Anwender ab sofort die neue Technologie „Migrate to UEFI“ als kostenloseDownload-Version. Mit d...
ALSO Actebis vertreibt Paragon Unternehmenslizenzen 11 Nov 2011 | 02:35 am
Freiburg, 10. November 2011 - Die Unternehmenslösungen der Paragon Software Group sind seitkurzem bei der ALSO Actebis GmbH gelistet. Die neue Zusammenarbeit startet mit einer exklusiven „1+1 Aktion“ ...
Exchange Instant Messages on Windows Mobile Phones with Handy SMS 23 Mar 2010 | 08:00 am
Paragon Software Group has released Handy SMS, an advanced text manager that makes the access and exchange of messages on a Windows Mobile phone even easier and more convenient. Handy SMS is all about...
The Perfect Pair: America’s Favorite Merriam-Webster’s Dictionaries Now Available for BlackBerry, America's Most Popular Mobile Platform 12 Mar 2010 | 10:00 am
Paragon Software Group has completed the product line that now allows users of America's most popular mobile platform, BlackBerry, to access America's most trusted bilingual and explanatory dictionari...
Speak like a Pro! PONS English, French & Spanish Business Dictionaries for iPhone and iPod Touch Users 1 Mar 2010 | 10:00 am
Paragon Software Group and PONS publisher, well known for its green dictionaries and self study materials, have launched first series of ‘talking’ multilingual business dictionaries for iPhone and iPo...