Most parameter related news are at:

VasárnapKertészkedővel kapható a Vasárnap legújabb száma 27 Aug 2013 | 05:48 pm
Tovább» * Nyaralás után itt, * Ahol megbotlik az emlékezet. Azokra, akik soha többé nem tértek vissza, a fasiszták áldozataira járdába süllyesztett macskakövek emlékeztetnek * Bemutatjuk. A perbetei ...
Besztercebánya megye vinné a szliacsi repteret 27 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
Tovább» Besztercebánya megye inkább átvenné a szliacsi (Sliač, Zólyomi járás) repülőteret az államtól, így szeretnék megelőzni, hogy bezárják azt. Vladimír Maňka besztercebányai megyefőnök párttársa,...
More parameter related news:
New version of Secure HTML - a free Windows program that creates password protected Web pages 15 May 2009 | 06:00 am
Version 1.6. The new command line parameter -s (Silent - no errors or warnings) has been added.
Initial pause added for $.easy.rotate() and $.easy.cycle 11 May 2010 | 01:26 am
Now we are able to define initial pause (timeout) for starting rotating child elements within functions $.easy.rotate() and $.easy.cycle() The value of the parameter called initPause will define how ... – O2, Ireland 26 Nov 2009 | 04:53 am - O2, Ireland Looking an information and parameter to send/receive MMS? Refer to the below setting, only if you’re a customer of O2, Ireland. Connection Name: o2 MMS Data Bearer: Packet ... – Cable & Wireless, Panama 19 Nov 2009 | 02:23 pm - Masmovil, Panama Cable & Wireless Panama MMS Parameter Please use the below configuration to setup your MMS manually Conncetion name: Cable and Wireless Provider: Cable and...
I don't git it 20 Mar 2011 | 04:56 am
Adding a tag to a git tree is not hard, as long as you know the secret parameters. Deleting a tag is another story. Here's what you'd expect to work... Despite the assurances "Deleted tag..." and "E...
Investors record more gains at the exchange 16 May 2011 | 09:00 pm
Investors record more gains at the exchange Investors at the Nigerian Stock Exchange recorded additional gains at the close of trading session on Thursday, as market-measuring parameters appreciated b...
Diema - ITV Parnters Freqency Change 2 Feb 2010 | 03:11 am
Dear Subscribers, Restored is the adoption of all the programs bundled with iTV Partner. Channel are the same basic parameters of our transponder - 11.138Mhz, Horizontal, 27.700Msym / s, 3 / 4. Subsc...
Doggish Female Names -- Some Parameters for Defining 30 Mar 2011 | 02:37 am
Source: What's in a name? For the rhetorical Shakespeare's Juliet, a name might be a doom or a curse. Well, we all know her situation: because her name involves a family name which h...
Extensions for Windows Explorer 28 Sep 2010 | 01:54 am
Do you need to print the list of your files? Print files and folders names Select files Batch rename files Run programs with parameters The Extensions for Windows Explorer provide four new system...
Why Algorithms Of Calculation Credits Work Not For Benefit Of Borrowers? Part 2 11 Apr 2011 | 03:46 pm
So let’s use the credit calculator of one bank from first ten. For this purpose we will fill required fields, having substituted in it corresponding values of parameters. As a result it is received: m...