Most paranormal aktivite related news are at:

Evlilik Anatomisi 31 Jul 2013 | 02:07 am
Evlenirken yaşancak sorunlar ve bu sorunların üstesinden gelmek üzerine...
Altın Uçak – Açıklanamayan Buluntular 7 16 Jun 2013 | 09:22 pm
Altın uçak heykeli Altın uçak heykeli Kolomb öncesi döneme ait bir mezarda bulundu. Yaklaşık 1800 yıllık olduğu belirlendi. Görünüşe göre bir uçağın doğru ölçekli maketi gibi duruyor. (Delta kanatlı, ...
More paranormal aktivite related news:
The Physics of ESP 25 Feb 2010 | 12:40 pm
October 1998 by Robert Novella Of all ostensible paranormal phenomenon, extra sensory perception (e.s.p.) is probably one of the most well known and widely believed. Many people who generally have a...
Filme 3gp – Atividade Paranormal 3 TS Legendado 3GP 8 Nov 2011 | 04:23 pm
Download Filme 3gp – Atividade Paranormal 3 Sinopse: O filme se passa no ano de 1988 e gira em torno das duas irmãs Katie e Kristie quando crianças. A família começa a ser perseguida por um espírito ...
Lo paranormal, el ocultismo y los Nazis que intentaron controlar el mundo 9 Sep 2010 | 04:14 am
Con el ánimo de darle a nuestros seguidores más temas sobre los que puedan comentar, desde el día de hoy estrenamos en nuestro sitio la serie de podcast Radio Rebrujo, que es una idea original de Juan...
Audiophile Speaker Cables Challenged 5 Oct 2007 | 05:55 am
Pear Cable has been challenged by The Amazing Randi, the well-known skeptic and paranormal debunker. He has offered 1 million dollars if they can prove in a scientific experiment that their $7,000 Anj...
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 (2011) UNRATED BRRIP 600MB 13 Mar 2012 | 01:00 am
In 1988, immature sisters Katie as well as Kristi cater an invisible entity who resides in their home. Download: Incoming search terms fo...
Fact or Faked Paranormal Files S03E03 Vanishing Victim Sky Serpent 2 May 2012 | 09:13 pm
Here’s a new episode of SyFy network’s reality series “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files”. The team visits England to examine footage of an alleged alien abduction and a flaming, serpentine object in th...
Škôlkari na športovom dopoludní 26 Nov 2010 | 01:00 pm
Posilniť zdravie detí sa snažíme množstvom športových aktivít, ktoré sú organizované formou zábavných činností. Naša škola sa rozhodla, že zorganizujeme športové súťaže pre škôlkarov z nášho mesta. Po...
Hotel Terseram di Dunia Part 1 7 Feb 2011 | 09:23 am
Hotel dan chalet sering menjadi tempat 'persinggahan' makhluk serta entiti dari alam lain.Kebanyakan aktiviti paranormal di hotel sering dikaitkan dengan bunyi yang menyeramkan,aktiviti 'poltergeist' ...
Ghost Adventures..the new review of Paranormal 31 Jan 2011 | 02:46 pm
With only 3 crew members... almost 7 hours of lockdown... in the scariest,most active paranormal sites around the world.. This episodes of paranormal brings chill to the spine of every paranormal love...
Blog Sesat Bangkrut! 16 Dec 2009 | 02:55 am
Sehubungan dengan situasi perusahaan yang semakin tidak menentu, rapat direksi dan pemegang saham Blog Sesat ini akhirnya memulangkan segenap karyawan, petugas keamanan, kebersihan, paranormal, paraab...