Most passive agressive related news are at:

Lean a little bit closer and see what roses really smell like 27 Aug 2013 | 04:11 am
This is you say, “You think your shit don’t stank?” in Southern-ese. (An added “Bless your heart!” is always a nice touch, too.) related: A diarrhea-only toilet?
Well, this sucks. 26 Aug 2013 | 12:05 am
Danny works for a small print company in London. “Our lovely cleaner only comes in once a week, so it falls upon the rest of us to keep the office neat and tidy.” Danny says that, judging from this cr...
More passive agressive related news:
Mind Games 22 May 2008 | 05:50 am
The term mind games refers to passive agressive behavior used specifically to demoralize the subject while making the aggressor look superior. The psychological field of transactional analysis, descr...
Difference between Google+ and Facebook 17 Mar 2012 | 04:34 am
During late 2011, Google went agressive with its promotion for Google+, to beat it’s most powerful social networking rival, Facebook. Facebook was launched only about 6 years ago, and is the most act...
11 Tips to Get The Most Out of Doctors 26 Jul 2010 | 11:26 pm
11 Tips to Get The Most Out of Doctors - By Doctors To be a smart patient, you can't be passive; you need to be a first-rate Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes, smart patients ask intelligent questions ...
The One and Only New Year’s Resolution That Really Matters — How to Make 2011 Your Year for Creating Passive Income 1 Jan 2011 | 05:08 pm
I love New Year’s Resolutions. At this time of year, I get a kick out of reviewing my successes and failures from the previous year and planning to kick some serious butt in the year ahead! And 2011 i...
It’s Tuesday. Here Are Some People Massively Screwing Up Their Jobs on Live Television 7 Mar 2012 | 05:39 am
And you thought you were in for a boring day at work... Check out these guys who work in front of the camera for dough instead of in a cubicle where they can passively pick their noses and let out qui...
nagios clusters 11 Aug 2010 | 05:12 am
0 Vote On Idea It would be nice to have the ability to cluster Nagios instances. Something built around MPI maybe that would allow horizontal scaling without passive checks. Comments (1) Website...
Les soins cosmétiques bio indispensables pour protéger vos mains du froid 22 Feb 2010 | 07:36 am
Tous les secrets pour garder de jolies mains même en hiver ! Nos mains sont quotidiennement exposées aux agressions extérieures comme le froid, le vent, la chaleur ou l’humidité et cela est particuli...
7 Great Books for Learning Passive Income 18 Nov 2010 | 03:20 am
In the age of the microchip, almost anyone with computer access has all the tools they need to set up the systems that can bring in passive income. It helps to have a guide in the wild world of onlin...
My New 2012 Approach To Building My AdSense Income 7 Dec 2011 | 02:38 pm
This year started great but is ending on a woefully terrible note for me. When 2011 started I was making $1,500 a month in passive income from my AdSense account. Everything was on the rise and I tho...
Don’t Be Passive 18 Jan 2012 | 11:27 am
A sales rep waiting for buyers to call and place an order is a sales rep who isn’t going to make much money. But that is exactly the model of most online business to business (B2B) sites. Companies sp...