Most passive house covered in bamboo related news are at:
A Comfy Bathroom For The Guest 23 Jul 2013 | 06:19 am
Visiting a friend’s house often cause a life time memory in our minds. Especially when we have to spend overnight at our friend’s house. At least there will be a bathroom session there. Has it happene...
Top Tips for Decorating your Child’s Bedroom 22 Jul 2013 | 07:53 pm
Decorating a bedroom for your child can feel like a battle between two opposing ideals. On one hand, you want to give their room a makeover that’s practical, stylish, and won’t date quickly, so that a...
More passive house covered in bamboo related news:
A Toilet for Sumit 3 Jul 2013 | 04:00 pm
“Our previous toilet was a ‘katcha’ toilet made with bamboo sticks. The pit was covered with bamboo thatch. It was too near to the house. During monsoons, the water from the katcha toilet used to flow...
Building a Solar Heated Well House 20 May 2013 | 02:32 am
This is a very nice and well documented project on the Alt. Build Blog that covers building a freeze resistant well house. The idea is to keep the well plumbing and tanks above freezing with a passiv...