Most passive voice exercises related news are at:

Adjective phrase 27 Aug 2013 | 07:47 am
A word group that has an adjective as its head is called an adjective phrase. Note that the adjective in this phrase may be accompanied by other words such as determiners, modifiers etc. Adjective phr...
Copular or linking verbs 26 Aug 2013 | 08:49 pm
We have already learned that intransitive verbs do not take objects. Examples are: sleep, sit, rest, weep, laugh, cry etc. She is weeping. The child sleeps. The boy was laughing. There is yet another ...
More passive voice exercises related news:
Passive Voice Lesson 8 19 May 2012 | 10:43 pm
ලිඛිත පාඩම පහතින් ගන්න 8.The Future Perfect Passive Voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 7 19 May 2012 | 10:42 pm
ලිඛිත පාඩම පහතින් ගන්න 7.The future simple passive voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 6 11 May 2012 | 02:41 am
ලිඛිත පාඩම පහතින් ගන්න 6.The Past Perfect Passive voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 5 11 May 2012 | 02:32 am
ලිඛිත පාඩම පහතින් ගන්න 5.The Past Continuous Passive voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 4 8 May 2012 | 01:57 pm
ලිඛිත පාඩම පහතින් ගන්න The Past Simple Passive Voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 3 8 May 2012 | 01:33 pm
ලිඛිත පාඩම ලබාගන්න The present Perfect Passive Voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 2 2 May 2012 | 07:05 pm
මෙම පාඩම හා බැදුන පද වල අදහස් වල තේරුම දැන ගන්න පහත ලින්ක් ඔස්සේ යන්න object/phrase Past Participle Verb The present Continuous Passive Voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Lesson 1 30 Apr 2012 | 08:08 pm
මෙම පාඩම හා බැදුන පද වල අදහස් වල තේරුම දැන ගන්න පහත ලින්ක් ඔස්සේ යන්න object/phrase Past Participle Verb The Present simple Passive voice Back to the Lessons List
Passive Voice Activities 14 May 2011 | 02:06 am
Passive Voice Comprehension Strips Click on picture to view a small preview of each activity. Click on Doc or PDF to download worksheets in preferred format. To create the strips, print both sides o...
A discussion of the Passive Voice 6 Apr 2012 | 09:52 pm
And now for a lurch back to the other half of my brain. I happened to catch a suggestion on a writing group on Facebook for a well-meaning exercise that attempts to make the writer more cognizant of ...