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Al Quran burned by Two Pastor of United States of America 16 Sep 2010 | 11:42 pm
Indonesian protest memorandum submitted by President Yudhoyono told the U.S. government related to the plan of our burning Holy Koran does not meyurutkan subordinates Rev. Terry Jones. As reported by...
Ministerios Elim (Central Guatemala) - CD - Jesus Mi Amado 19 May 2012 | 05:10 am
El Señor les Bendiga hmnos!! Es un disco de ELIM CENTRAL bajo cobertura del pastor Hector Nufio, sea de bendicion para sus vidas como lo es para mi!! Ministerios Elim (Central Guatemala) - CD - Jesu...
Michele Deco - Atlantic Tele-N 27 Aug 2011 | 11:38 pm
The removal of Monsignor Bernard Flanagan, 54, who has been serving since 2006 as pastor at Annunciation BVM, St. George and Our Lady of Mount Carmel churches in Shenandoah and St. Mary Magdalen...
Chistes buenos 25 Aug 2010 | 05:03 am
Chistes buenos En lo alto de una montaña, un dominguero se encuentra con un pastor cuidando ovejas, y por entablar una conversación trivial, le dice: -Buen hombre, ¿Le dan mucho trabajo las ovejas? ...
Welcome 31 Jul 2009 | 01:00 am
Terry Thompson was an Air Force pilot and commander, a church staff pastor, and is now a university professor--probably not the person you would imagine to advocate a bold new strategy for the war on ...
Pastor mata al diablo con una… ¿metralleta? 18 May 2011 | 06:05 am
Un pastor y sus fieles… Mucho no se puede decir, miralo y reite un poco…
Churches: Using the Internet to be on Mission, Disciple and Create Community 28 May 2009 | 09:33 am
Have you seen this webinar? We have all heard about the importance of a church website, the craze of social networking and the need for pastors to blog. But how effective are these really in gatherin...
Perros Policias 21 Mar 2009 | 02:10 am
Desde muy corta edad senti mucha admiracion por los animales, pero sobre todo por los perro, y no todos los perros, siempre me gustaron los pastores alemanes, los collies, los huskies, pero por sobre ...
Clay pigeon charity fund raising 6 Oct 2011 | 09:19 am
BforB clay pigeon shoot On Saturday 1st October a few of the Business for Breakfast members had a clay pigeon shoot to raise funds for Street Pastors. The Wirral Street Pastor Initiative is a Church...
Pastoral Artisan Cheese, Bread & Wine Hosts Second Annual Pastoral?s Artisan Producer Festival on Saturday, April 28, in Chicago 16 May 2012 | 02:41 am
Chicago, IL Parade 29, 2012 WHAT Rural Carpenter Cheese, Dough & Vintage bequeath landlord its double yearly Poem?s Builder Producer Gala, a unlimited occurrence to competition culinary carpenters f...