Most patrick mckenzie auto content creation related news are at:
– Kalzumeus Software | Patrick McKenzie (patio11) blogs on software development, marketing, and general business topics
Kalzumeus Podcast 5: Quitting Consulting Via Productization 17 Jul 2013 | 09:26 pm
Keith Perhac and I are back with the 5th epsiode of the Kalzumeus podcast. Keith and I both have experience working as consultants in software development and online marketing. People often ask us h...
If Your Business Uses Rails 2.3 You Need To Move To A Supported Option ASAP 17 Jun 2013 | 09:05 pm
Executive summary for your CTO: If your company runs Rails 2.3 apps, switch to Rails LTS, a commercially supported fork of Rails. If you do not do this, and do not take one of the more elaborate miti...