Most paypal checkout merchant website related news are at:

Printing Shipping Labels – the Pitney Bowes Blunder 6 Apr 2012 | 05:52 am
If you receive payment online for your ecommerce business, you probably have to print shipping labels everyday. Shipping by USPS for small packages is still a lot cheaper than UPS or Fedex. There are ...
Paypal Seller Protection – How Paypal Screws you the Seller 4 Apr 2012 | 08:25 am
The truth about Paypal seller protection is that they want you, the seller, to pay them fees. The epic announcement of 100% seller protection is just a bait. Paypal claims to give you 100% seller prot...
More paypal checkout merchant website related news:
Unique & Worthy eCommerce Sites to Shop in One Place (Mass Merchants) 23 Feb 2013 | 09:29 pm
Hi friends, This time in this article, we are coming up with a collection of 15+ new yet unique and worthy to checkout ecommerce websites which will make your online shopping much easier. These are ab...
PayPal Checkout Express 27 May 2013 | 01:32 pm
Betaltjänst via elektronisk plånbok hos Paypal. Transaktionsavgifter tillkommer enligt Paypals prislista. För att använda tjänsten behöver du registrera ett s.k. återförsäljarkonto (merchant-account) ...
Comparison Between Merchant Account, Paypal, Google Checkout 25 Dec 2010 | 08:14 pm
Three of the major ways to accept payments online for your websites are credit card (merchant account), Paypal, and Google Checkout. It is always a good thing to make more options available for your c...
Cancelling Subscriptions Created with PayPal Standard via the Express Checkout API 3 Jul 2012 | 03:36 pm
PayPal makes it possible to accept payments via just a few pieces of HTML on your site with its Website Payments Standard service. This service includes a Subscriptions button to sell products or serv...
eCommerce Checklist Merchant Account, Payment Gateway & Receiving Payments 16 Feb 2012 | 04:00 am
Continuing our series of posts for eCommerce preparedness. What is needed to accept credit cards payments online? Unless you choose to use PayPal or Google Checkout, you will need a Merchant Account w...
Upsell By Clickwrap? The Second Circuit Says "Not So Fast..." 14 Nov 2012 | 09:32 am
Have you ever purchased something from a website only to get bombarded at the checkout or payment screen with offers of other products or services? That process, called "upselling", is a merchant's l...
Google Checkout Going Out of Business 25 Jun 2013 | 02:11 am
Google Checkout will be retired in six months, Google has announced. The service, which has been used by many web merchants as an alternative to PayPal and has been the default payment option for Goog...
PayPal migration to 2048-bit certificates 17 Jul 2013 | 07:02 pm
Been getting quite a few phone calls from Zen Cart merchants on this. However, the PayPal migration to 2048-bit certificates does NOT affect your Zen Cart website at all. You can disregard the alert c...
Payments not been transfered from website to PayPal 23 Aug 2013 | 05:21 pm
Hi, I have a problem that has occured in the last day or so, when a customer places an order via my website ( and pays via PayPal Express Checkout, the payment details are not ...
Google Checkout Going Out of Business in 6 Months 27 May 2013 | 02:35 pm
Google Checkout will be retired in six months, Google has announced. The service, which has been used by many web merchants as an alternative to PayPal and has been the default payment option for Goog...