Most pc fair 2010 klcc related news are at:

Hospital Kuala Penyu 20 Jan 2013 | 08:31 am
Here is an overview of my hospital, Hospital Kuala Penyu. All the pictures are taken from the hospital's website which is located at HERE. Entrance to the Hospital Main lobby Main lobby-side view ...
Life in Hospital Kuala Penyu 20 Jan 2013 | 08:09 am
Sorry for the long ever lasting of no blog post update since last year. Furthermore i only manage to write one blog post last year. haha. Anyway, as some u have know, I have become a Fully Registered...
More pc fair 2010 klcc related news:
:: Perut Kenyang Alhamdulillah :: 2 Aug 2009 | 04:28 pm
Salam guys.... Hari Jumaat hr tu, me,nonoi n anom pergi ke PC Fair di KLCC…. Ramai la jugak manusia and paling tak selesa kerana terpaksa bersesak-sesak. Biasalah skg kan musim virus H1N1 menular… Ra...
UKM PC Fair 2010 29 Jan 2010 | 01:11 am
~pink hearts~ ~simple swirl~ Cuppieliciousmadness back wif more cupcakes designs and not to mention; some tremendously double choc heaven muffins! Recently we get a bulk orders from AEONICOMPANY whe...
PIKOM PC FAIR 2010 9 Jul 2010 | 08:14 pm
Sedang berlansung di Persada Johor...(9 to 11 July 2010) Hmm...every year belle pegi..pernah beli jugak time tu beli Pendrive, then beli PC for my cousin..jalan-jalan surveying...tapi memang ...
Pikom PC Fair! 13 Jul 2012 | 10:52 am
Pikom PC Fair is going on in KLCC from today, 13th July 2012 till Sunday, 15th July 2012. Epson, one of our customers is throwing in many offers, from RM30 Jusco Vouchers and also Holiday Vouchers for...
Usha-usha PIKOM PC Fair KLCC December 2012.. 9 Dec 2012 | 06:59 am
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera, Tahukah anda kat KLCC sekarang ada PIKOM PC Fair.. Tarikhnya dari 7 hingga 9 December 2012.. So, kalau nampak orang bersesak-sesak kat KLCC tu jangan panik ek.. r...
GoMobile Expo, Digital Lifestyle Expo & PC Fair starts Friday 22 Aug 2013 | 06:20 pm
GoMobile Expo, Digital Lifestyle Expo & PC Fair are expected to take place this coming weekend(Friday-Sunday), 23-25 August 2013 at the KL Convention Centre(KLCC). At the same time, the exposition wil...
PC FAIR KLCC 22 Aug 2013 | 01:19 pm
Tweet Pada 23 ogos sehingga 25 Ogos 2013 nanti akan diadakan satu PC Fair besar-besaran yang bertempat di KLCC, Kuala Lumpur. Jom kita ke sana nanti membeli pelbagai barangan komputer dan gadjet yan...