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Potvrđeni Galaxy Gear i Note III 27 Aug 2013 | 06:04 pm
Lee Young-hee, potpredsednica kompanije Samsung potvrdila je za The Korea Times da će na konferenciji zakazanoj za 4. septembar biti predstaljen novi Galaxy Note kao i Galaxy pametni sat. Ona nije žel...
Sony 4. septembra predstavlja novi smartfon 27 Aug 2013 | 05:59 pm
Istog dana kada stiže i potvrda o novom Galaxy Note modelu i Samsungovom pametnom satu, stižu najave i iz kompanije Sony. Sony nije toliko ulazio u detalje, samo je prikazao video u kom se nagoveštava...
More pc press pdf related news:
Make a Fake Virus 10 Aug 2010 | 01:19 pm
Do you want to make a Fake Virus and scare your friends? If yes then follow the steps: 1. Open notepad and write the following code: lol=msgbox ("Warning a virus has been detected on your PC. Press ...
ZEC Press 22 Nov 2011 | 10:59 pm
Sécurité des systèmes d'information : la France et le Maroc signent un accord de coopération 29 May 2013 | 06:18 pm
Communiqué de presse PDF - 133.4 ko Ce 27 mai à Rabat, l'Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information (ANSSI), autorité nationale de cybersécurité et de cyberdéfense, et son homologue (....
Poptropica Hints [ PC ]. Change your skin. 14 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
Change your skin (Secret) for Poptropica on PC - Press the key for 'S' and it will change your skin color at random
UPDATE: University of Arkansas releases reason for firing John Diamond; he responds 27 Aug 2013 | 03:25 am
The University of Arkansas today released in response to my FOI the letter by which John Diamond was fired as the university's top spokesman. It also released his response. Hot off the press: [pdf-1...
夏の旅行 12 Aug 2013 | 05:08 pm
何かと引きこもりたい42歳ですが、今年もまたお出かけです。 今年は微妙な姿しか見れなかった富士山。 そして富士スピードウェイ 7時間耐久レース(ワラ スーパー耐久シリーズ2013 第4戦 SUPER TEC レース結果 最後の最後までこの2台が盛り上げてくれまし...
Poptropica Hints [ PC ]. Change your skin. 14 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
Change your skin (Secret) for Poptropica on PC - Press the key for 'S' and it will change your skin color at random
Des enfants en centre de rétention 23 Jul 2013 | 01:25 pm
La Cimade publie ce 23 juillet 2013 un communiqué dénonçant la présence d'enfants en centre de rétention. Lire le Communiqué de presse (PDF - 143.6 ko)
India to allow Internet Telephony 19 Aug 2008 | 04:42 pm
Update: Here is the pdf version of the press release issued by TRAI on this subject.Thanks to Wasim at TGP. Very much related to my previous post, an interesting news from India is coming – possible ...
Connectez votre téléphone Android au PC 14 May 2011 | 03:21 am
En pièce jointe un PDF qui vous explique comment connecter votre téléphone Android a votre PC pour accès a la carte mémoire.