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LavaAmp: cheapest pocket PCR thermocycler dreamed for DIY biologists 1 Nov 2009 | 01:55 pm
The LavaAmp is a portable PCR thermocycler that has the potential to become the default garage biology (home biology, bioDIY, DIYbio) tool once it hits the market. Think of Apple II for personal compu...
Aging-centric genetic health database in California: 100k people, ~65yrs, 700k SNPs, telomeres too 21 Oct 2009 | 08:56 pm
Kaiser Permanente alongside with UCSF plans for genetic analyses of an unprecedented 100,000 older Californians, the Technology Review writes in Massive Gene Database Planned in California The effort...
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[iPhone/iPad] メール添付されたパワポファイルをアプリで開けるようにする 3 Dec 2010 | 03:00 pm
以前メールに添付された PDF ファイルをアプリで開けるようにするやり方を書きました。 [iPhone/iPad] メールの添付ファイルをアプリケーションで開けるようにする 今回は PowerPoint ファイルを開けるようにしたのですが、より実践的にどのファイルフォーマットでも指定できるようにやり方、調べ方を説明します。 パワーポイントファイルの指定方法 パワーポイントの拡張子は2種類あ...
Transfer PDF to iPhone 3 Feb 2013 | 10:21 pm
Smart phones and How to Transfer PDF to iPhone Today’s smart phones are really getting smarter. The phones nowadays can view emails and documents, which means you can carry your files with you at all ...
Flip PDF for iPhone 1.0.0 20 Jun 2013 | 07:29 am
Flip PDF for iPhone 1.0.0 Flip PDF for iPhone 1.0.0 | 15.26 MB Flip PDF for iPhone is wonderful and unique software to convert PDF to iPhone friendly HTML5 eBooks with page turning effect. The creat...
iPhone 4S GSM/CDMA ScrewMat 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Tired of wrestling those tiny screws and trying to remember where they all go? Pin them to the mat, a ScrewMat that is. This handy magnetic illustrated plastic mat keeps screws and other small iPhone ...
iPhone 3G/3GS ScrewMat 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Tired of wrestling those tiny screws and trying to remember where they all go? Pin them to the mat, a ScrewMat that is. This handy magnetic illustrated plastic mat keeps screws and other small iPhone ...
Apple USB Connector Cable 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Apple USB Connector Cord Use the Dock Connector to USB Cable to charge and sync your iPhone/iPod/iPad with your Mac or Windows PC. Brand New Grade A High quality Connects your iPhone or iPod — dir...
NooSY Micro Sim Cutter + 2x Sim Adapters 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Description: Use our micro sim cutter to convert your standard sim card(15*25mm) to micro sim card(12*15mm). then you can use that to your iPad or future iPhone 4G. What is This? Without this cutter...
iPhone Network Finder/Carrier Detector 26 May 2012 | 02:12 am
Using iPhone Network Finder you can check just with IMEI: - Which country & network your iPhone was sold to - If your warranty is active or not, - Which carrier it was activated with - Color, capacit...
The Janson Media MIPCOM 2011 Catalog 13 Oct 2011 | 07:39 am
Download a PDF of our MIPCOM 2011 Catalog (72dpi… screen-quality).
Der '10 Key Calculator' Taschenrechner von IDEA 30 May 2012 | 06:49 pm
OK, OK wir haben es verstanden.... Taschenrechner sind eigentlich ein Produkt der Vergangenheit... inzwischen haben wir alle Computer oder iPhones....wer braucht da noch einen einfachen Taschenrechner...