Most peak oil decline related news are at:

Comments on Wood Mackenzie’s report “China on Track to spend US$500bn on Crude Oil Imports by 2020, Surpassing US Import Require 23 Aug 2013 | 11:06 pm
On 20 August Wood Mackenzie (WoodMac) released a report on China and the USA’s future imports of oil. WoodMac regards itself as one of the world’s leading companies producing energy analyses. The titl...
Eagle Ford Shale – a snapshot of today’s activity 20 Aug 2013 | 11:19 am
Southwest of Texas’ capital city Austin and towards the Mexican border there is a large area of shale called the "Eagle Ford Shale”, EFS. For those interested I can mention that there is a good websit...
More peak oil decline related news:
The End of Suburbia – 52 minute documentary on peak oil 22 May 2011 | 07:37 am
Update: Daily Peak Oil News Feeds and Submissions 29 Nov 2006 | 02:54 pm
As a part of our continued site upgrades, we are now offering 4 new services: daily peak oil news feeds, the ability to submit peak oil articles (with HTML), a submission form for link exchanges and/o...
Energy Supply Solutions 3 Nov 2006 | 10:05 am
Lou Grinzo, a technical writer and bachelor in economics, is working hard to raise awareness about the peak oil situation in two ways. First, he is trying to introduce people to the major trends in en...
2006 Boston ASPO World Oil Conference 23 Oct 2006 | 08:20 pm
The 2006 Boston World Oil Conference will be held October 27th and 28th at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts . Time for Action: A Midnight Ride for Peak Oil is co-hosted by ASPO-USA and Bosto...
Peak Oil Personified 26 Apr 2011 | 11:03 am
when you're in a collapse 28 Jan 2012 | 10:53 am
WHEN YOU’RE IN A COLLAPSE Let’s just say, for the sake or argument, that I’m wrong. Let’s just say, acting on supreme ignorance in the face of facts, that Peak Oil never declines in our lifetime and ...
Πετρέλαιο: H θεωρία "peak oil" 4 Jun 2008 | 03:36 am
Η θεωρία peak oil είναι με απλά λόγια η εκτίμηση ότι η παγκόσμια παραγωγή πετρελαίου θα αγγίξει σύντομα το σημείο κορύφωσής της. Αλλά ας κάνουμε μια ιστορική ανασκόπηση του θέματος: Η θεωρία " peak ...
MCX Tips For Crude Oil with Trend Today 8 Dec 2011 | 11:51 pm
MCX Crude Oil Trend :- MCX Crude Oil decline today. Domestic crude oil is trading today on the decline since the beginning. crude oil is being currently traded at Rs 5218 with a decline. Nyse has also...
Peak oil och Kjell Aleklett. 15 Feb 2012 | 09:17 am
Flera företrädare för olika discipliner – alltså inte bara jag – betraktar Engelsbergs oljefabrik med sin utrustning – fortfarande ”on line” – motsvarande vad som fanns i Pennsylvania på 1860-talet so...
Peak oil phosphate lung cancer 28 May 2011 | 11:07 am
SOURCE The known chemical carcinogens in cigarette smoke can not explain ~96% of lung cancer in smokers. "However, for conventional cigarettes (i.e., R, Lt, and ULt cigarettes), as they are smoked b...