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Facebook’s play at peer-to-peer discussion – what does it mean for community managers? 19 Dec 2012 | 04:31 am
The recent news that Facebook may roll out nested comments is as a long-awaited step towards 'community'. What does this mean for peer-to-peer relationships and how will it impact community managers?
All About Bipolar: Updates on me and my latest book 19 Mar 2012 | 05:24 am
Life is funny sometimes. I have been really busy lately – writing books, building websites…so many things. In the midst of all of this, I have been doing peer to peer counseling with others who have...
LimeWire v 5.5.16 29 Oct 2010 | 07:00 pm
Lancez des recherches peer-to-peer multiples simultanément ...
3 Good Reasons Not To Ban P2P File Sharing In Your Business 4 Mar 2012 | 08:29 pm
Any business owner who has experienced having their network crippled by having unwanted intruders brought on by Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing will want to ban their its use from their network. It’s ...
Where to find Cyber Monday Macbook Pro Deals 15 May 2012 | 02:55 am
When searching for the best Cyber Monday Macbook Pro deals, consumers have to know where to shop. Whether you choose to visit Apple’s site directly, shop with peer to peer sites like, or wh...
Choosing Your Cyber Monday PS3 Slim Deals 15 May 2012 | 03:10 am
When you are hoping to get the Cyber Monday PS3 slim deals, there are many to be found. From shopping directly with the manufacturer, to visiting online gaming sites, to trying the peer to peer sales ...
PCmover Professional is the ONLY software that moves programs, files and settings from an old PC to a new one. 28 May 2012 | 04:01 am
Laplink’s product line has also evolved to include Internet-based, wireless and peer-to-peer solutions for an increasingly mobile workforce. In 2007, we released PDAsync, a corporate world must-have t...
You Get What You Pay For: The Right Way to “Buy” Facebook Likes 13 Apr 2012 | 04:45 am
Since its inception, Facebook has evolved from a purely peer to peer social network into an absolute gold mine for marketers who want to get their message out to the masses. In the course of human his...
Bully (2011) 22 Feb 2012 | 01:17 pm
A documentary on peer-to-peer bullying in schools across America. Director: Lee Hirsch
Peer to Peer Lending, Good Investment? 23 May 2012 | 01:16 pm
With banks as tight-fisted as ever, Americans are turning to each other for loans via peer to peer (P2P) lending sites. There are two websites that are leading the charge, and Lendingclub...