Most pentaho dashboard tutorial related news are at:

Face Off between Dashboard and Business Intelligence Vendors 25 Mar 2013 | 02:26 am
This is just a fun experiment. A friendly face off between all the BI vendors. All the business intelligence vendors out there are trying to help companies uncover hidden truth from their business dat...
World time clock on your dashboard 19 Feb 2013 | 02:41 am
Have you ever wandered into an office and saw a series of clocks hung on the wall. Each clock showing time for a different city named at the bottom of the clock? Well, now you can have the same setup ...
More pentaho dashboard tutorial related news:
Excel Dashboard Tutorial 9 Dec 2010 | 10:37 am
Microsoft Excel (particularly Excel 2010 with it’s data visualization functionality) continues to be a strong choice for business intelligence dashboards – particularly for those without access to a t...
WordPress Tutorial: posts and pages 27 Jul 2012 | 09:24 pm
[ad] Empty ad slot (#1)! [ad] Empty ad slot (#4)! A Simple WordPress Dashboard Tutorial on how to add Posts and Pages. Watch video at
Tutorial : Letak cute Icon kat Comment Box 8 Mar 2012 | 02:15 am
Hello people ! Hari ini saya nak share tutorial cara letak cute icon dekat comment box . Okay jom kita mulakannya ^_^ Btw , icon yang dimaksudkan adalah seperti berikut : 1 . Dashboard > Design > Ed...
TUTORIAL : Cursor comel 2 5 Feb 2012 | 11:35 pm
Hello people ! Before ni saya pernah share Tutorial Cursor Comel dekat Sini . So now , saya nak share cursor-cursor yang comel-comel buat anda semua :D 1 . Dashboard - design - Add a gadget & pil.....
Tutorial : Own Navigation bar 1 Feb 2012 | 12:35 am
Hello people ! 1 . Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML > Tick Expand Widgets . 2 . Then , search code ini pulak : <head> 3 . Lepas tu copy pulak code kat bawah ni dan paste'kan kat ATAS <head> : <div s...
Letak Background Pada Shoutbox 26 Jan 2012 | 09:04 am
Preview: Selain frame, korang juga boleh letak background pada shoutbox. Baru nampak meriah sikit kan? ^_^ Jom follow tutorial ini step by step: 1) Sign in akaun blogger 2) Dashboard >> Design >> P...
Excel Tutorials Now Available at Microsoft Excel School 14 Feb 2010 | 02:25 pm
Excel tutorial tip of the day: Think Excel when you think Dashboards. Excel dashboards are proving to be the most cost effective business intelligence dashboard tools. First of all, everyone has Micr...
To conduct comprehensive online surveys. 6 Nov 2010 | 03:04 am
Quite Impressive Zoomerang Few years back, I signed up on Zoomerang as a free user. The site is easy to navigate and everything is understandable. The dashboard is clean and the tutorials are great, ...
Tutorial: Cara untuk buat Sticky Post 16 Jan 2012 | 11:47 pm
Yey! Tadi my friend at FB ada tanya macam mana nk buat sticky post. Siapa dia? Dia ialahhh Hafizatul Asyrinz. Okey, jd Nisa nak ajar la nih. 1. Pergi ke Dashboard-> New Post 2. Buat entry sampai siap...
Tutorial : Buat Gambar di Entry Jadi Melengkung 14 May 2012 | 06:25 pm
Cer korang scroll kat bawah neh , tengok lengkung dekat gambar bawah neh... Macam cantik saja kan ? Nak try ? Meh kita cuba... 1. Dashboard > Design > Edit Html 2. Tekan Ctrl F serentak , dan cari....