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Aid cuts leave Government's credibility in tatters 5 Aug 2013 | 10:32 am
Friday 2nd August 2013 goes down as a dark day in Australian history. A third round of cuts to the aid budget since 2012 now makes it almost inconceivable that the Government will meet its commitment ...
Calling all Global Citizens 17 Jul 2013 | 04:21 am
This week we announced that Stevie Wonder, Kings of Leon, Alicia Keys and John Mayer will headline the second annual Global Citizen Festival, September 28, on the Great Lawn of Central Park in New Yor...
More people who change poverty related news:
The Role of Beads Wholesale Distributors 3 Jan 2011 | 10:05 pm
Fashion, the predominant taste of the people continuously changes day by day and the fashion tweaks continuously look for the fresh, hot and trendy models that best match their outfits. One of such p...
In Politics, Sometimes The Facts Don't Matter 15 Jul 2010 | 03:53 am
New research suggests that misinformed people rarely change their minds when presented with the facts -- and often become even more attached to their beliefs. The finding raises questions about a key ...
FFilmation Editor source code released 1 Sep 2009 | 05:27 am
Hi, I have decided to release the source code for the FFilmation Editor. Originally I didn’t plan to do it because It is not finished, the code is shitty and I was afraid people would change the logo...
People Do Change 9 Mar 2012 | 06:31 am
Let’s say you’re talking with a friend, about someone else. You don’t have the most pleasant thoughts about this individual. But your friend feels genuinely positive about this person. “People change,...
mj fans p l e a s e t h i n k first!!! A Very Different Desiree Hill 6 Dec 2011 | 04:35 pm
People can change their minds, this much is true, but they don't do a 360 degree turn on their personality, moral compass and ideals, not unless you are dealing with a psychopath. Compare the com...
Women’s apparel 29 May 2011 | 11:32 pm
Should a woman cover her head? Introduction We are living in a time when the customs and traditions of the people are changing; the world does not have a standard of its own. It keeps on changing as t...
First Peter - Part 1 24 Mar 2012 | 04:27 am
First Peter - Part 1 The Bible is filled with the stories of colorful people who changed their world by connecting with God. But, the Bible isn’t really so much about people as it is about God and H...
Ayurveda Recipe of the Month 16 Jan 2010 | 03:42 am
We know that many people are changing the way they eat this New Year to improve their health. Healthy eating, though, has more to do with eating a balance in your diet than it does shoveling countles...
people do change? 19 May 2010 | 03:58 pm
No creo que la gente cambie, sencillamente aprende a adaptarse a las cicunstancias... No importa cuanto se intente uno no deja de ser quien es. Los defectos no se van solo se esconden y muchas veces ...
Adam Davidson on the Special Zone in Honduras 10 May 2012 | 09:51 am
How could Honduras, the original banana republic, reform a political and economic system that kept nearly two-thirds of its people in grim poverty? NPR’s global economics correspondent, Adam Davidson...