Most pepsi bottle caps related news are at:

Pepsi Facebook Store Launched! 2 Feb 2012 | 11:39 pm
Check out the Offical Pepsi Facebook Store
Celebs love vintage Pepsi gear! 27 Jan 2012 | 05:45 am
Everyone Loves Pepsi! Check it out actress Mila Kunis was spotted in LA rocking a vintage Pepsi Tee. Click the photo for more images. Shop Now! To get your hands on your very own vintage Peps...
More pepsi bottle caps related news:
Quiz Night Questions at Capriciossa Greenhills 5/11/2011 12 May 2011 | 01:27 pm
Tweet SCAMS and CRIMES These three numbers were wrongly drawn as the winning combination in a Pepsi bottle cap promotion in the early 90s. This man is now serving a 150-year sentence for being resp...
Beer Can Collector Convention in Branson Missouri 6 Aug 2011 | 01:00 pm
Today sparks off a suds filled weekend with our buddies from the BCCA representing Gateway – KCMO – Nebraska – Illinois and Arkansas. Memorbilia ranging from cans – bottle caps – aluminum bottles – be...
1 Liter of Pepsi Bottle Went Straight Into Joann’s Hairy Pussy! 14 Apr 2012 | 07:26 am
Ok, this must be the sexiest screen shot I got for the night. A pepsi bottle went straight into Joann‘s pussy! Love it! I wish pepsi could have paid her some sponsorship tokens for what she did.
Dominos Fantastic Summer Offer 14 Jul 2011 | 09:51 am
Dominos has offered it’s Fantastic Summer Offer: 4 personal (6″) Pizzas + 4 x 300ml Pepsi bottles in Rs. 740 + TAX You can choose any pizza flavors from Vegi & Cheese Lovers: Super Cheese, Vegi Fe...
Chocolate Lovers Bottle Cap Earings 13 May 2012 | 10:48 pm
I love making things and my obsession for all things chocolate tends to spill over into other areas of my creative life. Totally inspired by the vintage images that are everywhere right now I made th...
Nice Jewelery items from Soda bottle caps - Lovely Creations 25 May 2011 | 01:10 pm
Tags: Nice Jewelery items from Soda bottle caps Images, Jewelery items from Soda bottle caps Photos, Jewelery items from Soda bottle caps stills, Jewelery items from Soda bottle caps Pictures
CHLOE Pit Stop of the YAmazing Race 14 Jan 2012 | 12:42 pm
*** Update Feb. 1 *** And the winners* of this leg of the YAmazing Race are: Hannah (Jan. 16 12:42 pm) *** CHLOE ARC and bottle cap necklace! *** Cassie *** CHLOE ARC and bottle cap necklace! *** ...
Cemetery Zombie Bottle Cap Monster 21 Apr 2011 | 04:55 pm
Bill Hinzman as the Cemetery Zombie from the classic horror film "Night of the Living Dead". I painted this one in all black and white as a tribute to this awesome B&W film. This one was painted for m...
Bride of Frankenstein BCM 8 Mar 2011 | 02:49 am
The second of two Bottle Cap Monsters I painted last night. Finally got around to painting the lovely Elsa Lanchester as The Bride of Frankenstein. This one is for my friend and talented artist Chriss...
Frank The Bunny BCM #3 8 Mar 2011 | 02:41 am
Got in some painting time last night, managed to create 2 new Bottle Cap Monsters. The first was this version of Frank The Bunny from the film "Donnie Darko". This is the third time I have been asked ...