Most pepsi caps harrier related news are at:
Independence Day? 5 Jul 2013 | 10:25 am
So, Google Reader is officially closed. If you used it, hopefully you saw one of the kabillion articles explaining how to grab your data from Google’s Takeout service, or how to use the more insa...
One Year Later 16 Jul 2012 | 01:22 pm
It’s pretty insane how quickly a year has gone by. The Christmas before my Mom passed away, I gave her a framed print of the photo below. She had said it depicted one of the happiest times in her lif...
More pepsi caps harrier related news:
Quiz Night Questions at Capriciossa Greenhills 5/11/2011 12 May 2011 | 01:27 pm
Tweet SCAMS and CRIMES These three numbers were wrongly drawn as the winning combination in a Pepsi bottle cap promotion in the early 90s. This man is now serving a 150-year sentence for being resp...
Harrierrel odabaszni 10 Dec 2008 | 06:06 am
Aki hozzám hasonlóan túl fiatal ahhoz, hogy annak idején élőben követhette volna a falklandi háborút, minden bizonnyal inkább a hírhedt Pepsi reklámból emlékszik a Harrier repülőgépre: Pepsi reklám H...