Most perception is reality related news are at:

X Factor presents Ninja Bear 31 Aug 2010 | 01:43 am
This is just a very quick post to show you one thing that really takes the X Factor cake. We’ve all seen YouTube videos that have been tricked out using editing tools. Well here is one that you just w...
X Factor presents Ninja Bear 30 Aug 2010 | 09:43 pm
This is just a very quick post to show you one thing that really takes the X Factor cake. We’ve all seen YouTube videos that have been tricked out using editing tools. Well here is one that you just w...
More perception is reality related news:
Perceived Value 21 Nov 2009 | 10:49 am
Had a chat with a client today and I thought I've been meaning to get this off my chest but it just keeps slipping my mind for whatever reason. "Perception is Reality" -Mystery People rea...
Perceptions of time and reality. How bad are things really? 30 Oct 2010 | 12:28 pm
Time is a funny thing and so is our perception of reality. Why do I say this? Because even though it is exactly the same for everyone when measured technically it appears to be immensely different, in...
Monbiot in being-sane shocker 22 Mar 2011 | 11:24 pm
My perception of reality was somewhat shaken today by an article by George Monbiot which I would struggle to disagree with: Some greens have wildly exaggerated the dangers of radioactive pollution. F...
The Attribution Error – Help Or Hindrance? 28 Feb 2012 | 08:43 am
What Exactly Is The Attribution Error? Perception is reality. We learned in a previous post about the ladder of inference how easy it is to create our own reality whether it is true or false based o...
A Small Book That Is Making A BIG Wave – New Releases Books Fiction 25 Feb 2010 | 08:47 am
“This book should be read by millions” Sandra Carrington-Smith, Author of Housekeeping for the Soul and The Book of Obeah A Literary Gem that will Shift Your Perception of Reality, February 21, 2010...
Enterprise Mobility – Perception and Reality 12 Feb 2012 | 11:09 pm
Enterprises across all industry verticals are adopting mobility at a rapid pace. As more and more mobile devices and applications emerge, enterprises are faced with challenges such as cost, mobile sec...
Getting Marriage Counseling – Save Your Marriage 8 Apr 2012 | 08:28 am
Getting marriage counseling … What was the effect of the fall in Adam’s mind? He and Eve lost the true perception of reality. We read in Genesis 3:7,8 that tried to hide from God Does not that tell a ...
Art, Me and Acura SUV’s 14 Dec 2011 | 07:03 pm
What if I told you there was a work of art that dealt with life, God, death, perception of reality, the beginning, the end and the highest turning point possible for a human and that it would undoubte...
What you see is what you get? 26 Jun 2012 | 04:57 am
Perception is reality… or is it? It is cliché, but “don’t judge a book by its cover” is one adage we should all remember and practice. For example, this morning I walked into my office wearing what co...
Marketers secret: perception is reality 26 Sep 2012 | 06:01 pm
The post Marketers secret: perception is reality appeared first on cristina dragu.