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Product Review: Perfect Traffic Storm 15 Nov 2009 | 06:20 pm
Did you notice the peel-off ad on the right top corner of my page? That is Perfect Traffic Storm. What is It anyway? Perfect traffic storm is a new site that says it guarantees more CONVERTING w...
Trivial Pursuit for PS3 & XBOX 360 Reviews 3 Apr 2009 | 07:57 pm
Overview - Trivial Pursuit Game is an educational genre game, and it’s a perfect brain storm for those gamers who love to play puzzle games for long hours while they solve them. Trivial Pursuit involv...
Storm Vivid Bowling Ball Review and Storm Vivid Bowling Ball Video Review 21 Jan 2012 | 03:54 am
Vivid The all new Vivid from Storm is coming soon. Check back for the video. The Storm Vivid is currently selling for $159.95 and rates a 220.8 on the Perfect Scale®.
Million Free Visitors Review - Dec. 15 7 Dec 2011 | 07:14 pm
Million Visitors Free Review - On December 15th a new product promises to take the internet by storm. It's called "Million Visitors Free". Do you need more website or blog traffic? On December 15th ....
iphone week in review: week 3 26 Jan 2012 | 10:41 am
1, 2, 3) BOWLING FUN!!! 4) Beautiful sunrise 5) Shopping (at Target of course) with my baby girl 6) Building lego towers with Grampy 7) Bros 8) Ice storm 9) On the search for the perfect house plan (...
Blog Tour: A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster [Review] 4 Apr 2012 | 03:00 am
I was given the chance to review the fourth and final novel of Lori Foster’s “Men Who Walk The Edge of Honor” series earlier this month, and was pretty surprised by how much I enjoyed A Perfect Storm....
Colter's Daughter - Review 18 Aug 2012 | 06:57 pm
He let her go once. This time he’s playing for keeps. Callie Colter once chased sunsets all over the world. Until Max. Together they were a perfect storm of desire, and she reveled in the beautiful bu...
Redbox Summer Family Fun Kit Review 31 Jul 2012 | 08:46 pm
Florida is nicknamed the Sunshine State, but over the past few weeks it has been everything BUT sunny. Rain and storms consumed our morning, afternoon and evenings. This was actually the perfect time...
CM Storm QuickFire XT Mechanical Keyboard Review 31 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
When Cooler Master introduced its QuickFire Rapid last year, it seemed like it was a near-perfect mech. The only thing that let it down in some people's eyes was the lack of a numpad, but now, a coupl...