Most permission to killing oneself related news are at:

A Soothing Perspective on Severe Pain 22 Aug 2013 | 04:46 pm
Pain is an extension of your guidance system. When you’re in pain you’re not lost, you’re being guided. What comes to mind when you think of someone who’s guided? Isn’t it easier to trust in this per...
Bringing Better Into Being 11 Aug 2013 | 10:09 am
You don’t need to see everything in life as good or wanted, you only need to relax your judgment enough to recognize how it can lead to good or wanted. What I like most about this concept is how it t...
More permission to killing oneself related news:
remember RP rules 19 Apr 2011 | 06:59 am
as title suggests, im gonna post some normal RP rules. +no swearing(unless allowed, i guess) +no power playing +do not RP another person's character without permission. +no killing another person'...
Google, France Télécom et Suicides 16 Feb 2011 | 11:13 pm
Au fil de mes recherches je suis tombé sur une courbe qui m’a fait froid dans le dos. No comment. For english readers: To kill oneself How to kill oneself Suicides, France Telecom There was a wav...
Suicide 19 May 2010 | 08:53 pm
Suicide (Latin suicidium, from sui caedere, “to kill oneself”) is the term used for the deliberate self-destruction of a human being, by causing their body to cease life function. Such actions are typ...
Personal Philosophy on Suicide 3 Jul 2010 | 03:17 pm
First, let us look at the dictionary’s definition of ‘suicide’ – – quote “The act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself.” If the thought of suicide has affec...
Bizarre Suicide 21 Jun 2013 | 12:13 pm
Suicide means “to kill oneself”or “end your own life”, is an intentional act of causing his or her own death, committed out of despair, attributed to a mental behavior, such as severe depression, bipo...
Filofax Porn – Help me decide! 11 Jan 2011 | 04:51 am
WARNING: Picture heavy post (and please do not use any of my pictures without crediting and permission). Oh my, they finally arrived (a FULL week later, might I add!), the suspense almost killed me bu...
Server pwnt3z by me 17 Dec 2008 | 04:22 pm
omG Okay that was really my wrong I'm sooo sorry!! know some of you guys still "Lynie kill the server! " lols.. well i apologize~ ..It's a huge mob event without going thru Xc3Sz of Fraz's permission...
How Does One kill the Ego? 15 Apr 2010 | 07:11 pm
When the feeling of doership vanishes, ego fleds. Ego is synonymous with ahankar. Shankacharya says, “So long as there is any connection of oneself with the wicked Ahamkara (ego-sense), there cannot...
Your 'No' Could Mean 'Yes' To A Trojan 21 Aug 2008 | 08:57 pm
Similar to viruses, Trojans copy, distribute and kill your data. Obviously since you would never permit these actions, Trojans do not bother to ask for your permission. Trojans are deceptive programs...
Filofax Porn – Help me decide! 10 Jan 2011 | 11:51 pm
WARNING: Picture heavy post (and please do not use any of my pictures without crediting and permission). Oh my, they finally arrived (a FULL week later, might I add!), the suspense almost killed me bu...