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I'm a newbie...... 27 Mar 2012 | 02:59 pm
Greetings, I'm Bryan,my SC2 ID is SpYRo.935 and started playing SC2 since December 24,2011. My first game in starcraft was broodwar years since 1999 but i stopped because i don't have a personal com...
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Re: Using Orion with ISS 27 Aug 2013 | 04:25 pm
Quote from: Star One on 08/23/2013 06:39 PM I appreciate your optimism on this but to me it seems with every year that passes the introduction of commercial crew moves further away. Not a person com...
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No ho tenia previst, no, perque ja inverteixo molt de temps en les xarxes socials, tant per ús personal com professional. Al final, però, patapam: L'estrena, amb aqu...