Most personal writing personal space related news are at:

Fuzzy Bunnies, Part III 21 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
School starts this week, and let’s just say things have been a little crazy! Today’s post is, once again, brought to you by my preferred filler material. Fuzzy Bunnies! To see the other fuzzy bunny ...
Know Thy Stuff – Why Research is Important 14 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
Has this happened to you? You are reading a book and starting to enjoy the story. Part of the reason you chose this book is that it includes a subject that you are especially interested in. The furt...
More personal writing personal space related news:
Body By Vi Scam 9 Jun 2012 | 12:47 am
I am personally writing to you, maryleelucas blog follower’s, to give you my personal reason’s for leaving ViSalus Body By Vi. I have, up to this point, been very quiet about my decision. I have rec...
Writing about Insomnia 11 Jun 2013 | 04:30 am
Writing about insomnia can help you to find answers to your problems. Studies have shown for years that when a person writes down their feelings, thoughts, emotions, et cetera it can help the person l...
How To Add Personality to Your Space 22 Jul 2013 | 08:00 pm
In interior design, it’s all about the details and accessories. These interesting objects, books, and lamps add personality to a room’s decor. Whether a space calls for accessories galore or just a we...
Wedding SMS Wishes Messages 27 Aug 2013 | 12:07 pm
Wedding SMS wishes messages are those types of messages which a person writes and sends to another person or a couple to congratulate them on their wedding. These messages are sent by the means of SMS...
In The Beginning Was The WORD: John Chapter 1 4 Jun 2010 | 05:51 pm
I love the way John wrote his book. You could tell this was a man who was close to the subject of his book. He wasn’t writing from theory. He was writing it from personal experience and personal revel...
[Game] The "impression" thread 7 Mar 2009 | 04:16 am
This game is fun and could last for a long time The idea is simple, just write the impression u got about the person who posted before you since I'm the first to post, the person who would post next...
Do You Have a Personal Work Space? 20 Apr 2012 | 06:04 pm
One thing that most people don’t realize about working from home is that you need your personal work space to be more efficient with your tasks. It’s very easy to just work from bed or your living roo...
I am totally busy on personal life 10 Aug 2011 | 04:42 am
Since few weeks I am very much busy over my personal life,so I can't manage time to sit before my PC and doing some online task.Though my wife are doing some work for me,she is writing some post on My...
Scholarship Essay 30 Dec 2011 | 09:47 pm
Scholarship essays vary dramatically in subject. However, most of them require a recounting of personal experience. These tips will be more helpful for writing personal essays, like for the National M...
Is Your “About” Page a Waste of Space? 5 Apr 2012 | 03:39 am
The informal, first-person nature of blogs means that readers generally like to know at least a little something about the blogger. So if you have a blog for professional or personal reasons, it shoul...