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Kumpulan Foto Seksi SNSD Memakai Bikini Terbaru 2012 24 Aug 2012 | 02:37 pm
d3t3ct1v3c0d3n3t - GAMBAR PERSONIL SNSD PAKAI BIKINI - SNSD PAKAI BIKINI Hot Foto Taeyeon 'SNSD' Pakai Lingerie TransparanGirlband SNSD dicintai lewat imej manisnya, baru-baru ini mengagetkan penggema...
2010 GDA: Blatant Payoff by SME? 22 Jun 2011 | 08:27 am
When the Golden Disk Award 2010 aired last 9th December, much debate came about as to the winners of the Disk Daesang Award and YEPP Popularity Award... 2010 Disk Daesang Award Winner: SNSD 2010 YEP...
Shoujo Jidai Overwhelms Audience at Girls' Award 19 Dec 2010 | 08:34 pm
Asias representative girl-group SNSD performed at the National Yoyogi Stadium on the 18th for a fashion event called Girls Award JAPAN 2010 AUTUMN/WINTER (Girls Award). SNSD did their arrival to J...
SNSD to debut in Japan this September 19 Sep 2010 | 06:55 am
So now when we have just been set free from SNSD's music in Korea (though SM is still shoving them down to our throats through variety shows & CFs), we are gonna have to suffer their tortuous voices &...
Dream Concert 2010 (The Aftermath) PART 2 1 Sep 2010 | 01:09 pm
With the ruckus that happened in the last Dream Concert, we eventually found out that the ten minute silence did happen again during SNSDs performance. While it was not as extensive as 2008s, it wa...
DC2010 update: What is now happening with the fans? 3 Nov 2010 | 09:44 pm
Just how bad is the current fan war regarding the Dream Concert seating? As with the previous news STAND has posted, Dream Concert 2010 started off with an uproar when SNSD fans decided to make a pr...
The Humiliation of Being SNSD's Tiffany 28 Mar 2011 | 04:05 pm
SNSD member, Tiffany, was recently featured in an international porn site which featured Asian women in short shorts. As humiliating as this may be both to Tiffany and to SNSD especially consider...
►►Caught on Cam: SNSD Sooyoung’s fish face 9 Jan 2011 | 08:07 am
You know that cute bubbly fish face that Kpop artists make all the time? Well for SNSD’s Sooyoung, you probably can’t even tell if it is really her when she makes this face! LOL! So lady-like, no? C...
Radja - Demi Kamu (New Single) 14 Dec 2011 | 12:57 am
Group band Radja kembali merilis single terbaru berjudul Demi Kamu, perubahan personil dalam tubuh group band yang di motori oleh Ian Kasela menambah semangat baru dalam bermusik Radja, terbukti denga...
Foto-foto personil SMASH 16 Jan 2011 | 07:03 pm
Reza anugrah Rangga Dewamoela S Dicky M Prasetya Morgan Oey Bisma Karisma Rafael Muhammad Ilham Fauzi