Most peter thiel related news are at:

Moved Over 26 Apr 2012 | 03:52 pm
I’ve been blogging away over at my new blog at Next New Deal, come join me over there! Here’s the new rss feed. I might post here once in a great while, mostly to draw additional attention to recent...
Article on Mass Incarceration at Jacobin, Plus Some Additional Links 26 Apr 2012 | 03:18 pm
[I've moved blogs - check out the Next New Deal Rortybomb blog, here is the new rss feed, and here is this post over at the new site.] The Spring 2012 issue of Jacobin is now online. It has a lot of...
More peter thiel related news:
PayPal founder to teach at Stanford 13 Apr 2012 | 07:32 am
SAN FRANCISCO: Peter Thiel, the superstarSilicon Valley investor , has famously dismissed university as a waste of time and money, and even offered students cash to drop out. But his views apparently ...
#arg Higher Education Bubble – reloaded 17 Apr 2011 | 10:21 am
Peter Thiel – fondatorul PayPal a născut o dezbatere interesantă afirmând că după anilor 2000 şi recenta criză imobiliară din SUA, avem de a face cu o altă bulă: învăţământul superior. Arti...
Did Facebook VCs Stay on the Board Too Long? | Private Equity … 31 May 2012 | 02:00 am
At the time of its IPO, Facebook had three venture investors on its seven-member board: Accel Partners' Jim Breyer, Founders Fund partner and angel investor Peter Thiel and Andreessen Horowitz'...
BBC interviewt Experten wie Arianna Huffington, Peter Thiel oder Tim Berners-Lee für die Digital Revolution Dokumentation 29 Oct 2009 | 12:05 pm
BBC interviewt Experten wie Arianna Huffington, Peter Thiel oder Tim Berners-Lee für die Digital...
PayPal — регистрация, ввод-вывод 1 Aug 2012 | 06:58 pm
Платежная система PayPal была основана Питером Тиелом (Peter Thiel) и Максом Левчином (Max Levchin) в 1998 году. Это частная компания, размещенная в Palo Alto в Калифорнии. PayPal предоставляет своим ...
Billionaire investor Peter Thiel backs new venture aimed at producing 3-D printed meat 16 Aug 2012 | 03:27 pm
Billionaire Peter Thiel would like to introduce you to the other, other white meat. The investor’s philanthropic Thiel Foundation’s Breakout Labs is offering up a six-figure grant (between $250,00 and...
Billionaire investor Peter Thiel backs new venture aimed at producing 3-D printed meat 16 Aug 2012 | 03:23 pm
Billionaire Peter Thiel would like to introduce you to the other, other white meat. The investor’s philanthropic Thiel Foundation’s Breakout Labs is offering up a six-figure grant (between $250,00 and...
Facebook investor may invest $150m in Airbnb 20 Oct 2012 | 12:18 pm
Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and Facebook's first outside investor, is close to investing roughly $150 million in Airbnb in a deal that would value the lodging rental start-up at about $2.5 billion.
Entrepreneurship without borders 2 Feb 2013 | 05:02 pm
By Roger James Hamilton & Patrick Driessen What do you do if you’re not happy with your country? Start your own! Peter Thiel, one of the billionaire founders of PayPal, has helped to fund Blueseed, ...
MetaMed — Personalized Medical Research Backed by Peter Thiel and Jaan Tallinn 9 Mar 2013 | 01:54 am
Doctors, like other experts, have limited domain knowledge. The average primary care visit is only 11 minutes, a figure which hasn’t changed since the 1930s, with four minutes of that being the patien...