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Low Gas Prices = Demand Increase 21 Oct 2006 | 12:50 am
Americans are celebrating plunging gasoline prices by hitting the roads. After barely rising during the summer months, gasoline demand rose swiftly in September, the American Petroleum Institute said ...
杯具的BP石油 10 Jun 2010 | 07:26 am
BP石油导致的漏油事故是一个值得全球广泛关注的严峻问题,尽管BP代表一直代表British Petroleum,不过现在它有了更深一层的含义,那就是Big Problem(大麻烦)。毫无疑问如此巨大的环境破坏已经使BP石油成为众矢之的,且看网络上各位netizen带来的讽刺图片。 PS:我们有借用大自然资源的能力,也有保护大自然资源的义务,借的东西总有一天是要还的。
HPCLQ1 2 Nov 2010 | 12:59 am
HPCLQ1 2011 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited HPCL has showed a turnover of Rs. 25,819 crores for the period of time April –June, 2009 as versus Rs. 31,204 crores in the representing previous pe...
EPA: Day of Prayer fails to halt Gulf spill 29 Jun 2010 | 06:12 am
Sunday’s “Day of Prayer” declared by four Republican governors of Gulf Coast states appears not to have stemmed the gushing of oil from British Petroleum’s damaged Deepwater Horizon offshore well, acc...
Solar cars: the future of road transport? 2 Nov 2010 | 08:05 am
“I would like to tell you something about the first tour ever of a vehicle that drove around the world without petroleum-based fuel: it was a solar car,” says Louis Palmer, a Swiss mathematics teacher...
Go for cheap but equally effective Propane Wall Furnace! 25 Jan 2011 | 11:33 am
Propane is a clean-burning gas that is not harmful to the ozone layer. It often called liquid petroleum gas. It’s the same component used in a compressed cylinder of propane wall furnaces. This is a c...
The Free Will of British Petroleum 13 Jun 2010 | 01:48 pm
Something problematic about this BP stuff is how people assume firms are independent actors or that companies behave in some non-deterministic fashion.BP is a firm. A firm exists to earn profit. BP wi...
Vaseline, Total Moisture, Cocoa Radiant, Body Lotion, 20.3 oz Bottle (Pack of 3) 3 May 2012 | 01:40 am
This silky, smooth lotion with Cocoa Butter, Petroleum Jelly and Vitamin E heals dry skin while evening tone and texture.
Alpha Petroleum’s New Site 5 Oct 2011 | 09:04 am
Alpa Petroleum has been a long time client of ours. When they came to us to make a complete overhaul on their static html based site, we talked about the ease of using WordPress for your site, and how...
Kingfisher Airlines crisis: Oil companies stop fuel supply due to non-payment of dues 12 Mar 2012 | 07:06 am
In fresh trouble for Kingfisher Airlines, state-owned Hindustan petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) today stopped jet fuel supplies to the ailing carrier due to non-payment of dues which resulted in ...