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Broadband Usage in the Home 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Some 70% of American adults ages 18 and older have a high-speed broadband connection at home as of May 2013, according to a nationally representative survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & Ame...
Slideshow: King’s Dream Remains Elusive Goal 22 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
Key findings from the report, "King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal; Many Americans See Racial Disparities"
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Aux USA, Internet domine sur la presse 17 Mar 2011 | 08:29 pm
Selon l’étude annuelle du Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, les Américains sont désormais plus nombreux à s’informer sur le web plutôt que dans la presse. En effet, en 2010, 46% des Américain...
GOP: White Man’s Ball 17 Mar 2012 | 05:37 am
Not exactly a “stop the presses” moment, but a new survey from Pew tells us that the GOP is basically old, white and out of touch with the changing face of America. Candidate Rick Santorum saying thi...
Mixed is the New Black 17 Feb 2012 | 09:44 pm
Intermarriage is on the rise, and people are digging it. Well, at least they’re not hating on it so much. According to a new study from Pew, “The share of new marriages between spouses of a differen...
The Tablet Revolution 2 Nov 2011 | 12:38 am
Source: Highlights from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism report Full report: How people use tablets and what it means for the future of news Permalink | Leave a commen...
Twitter Stats 2011 - Pew Internet Study 3 Jun 2011 | 09:00 pm
Pew Internet released their latest study on Twitter usage called Twitter Update 2011. The study provides some great insight into the demographics of Twitter users. One of the bigger takeaways was tha...
So, is email dead? 25 Oct 2011 | 10:20 pm
Well, it may surprise some people but no, email isn’t dead yet. Not even close, it seems. According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, of all online adults...
çılgın aşık pepe le pew 1 Dec 2011 | 03:48 am
buraya tüm çizgi film kahramanlarını koyduk diye düşünüyordum, pepe'yi atlamışız. ben çocukken pepe le pew'i de izlerdik. her bölümde sırtına bir şekilde beyaz çizgi çizilen kediyi kokarca sanıp ona...
Glenn Beck, Christians and Mormons (Pew Research Center) 5 May 2012 | 01:52 am
Sept. 2, 2010 Fox News host Glenn Beck’s Aug. 28 rally — “Restoring Honor” — on the National Mall as well as his recent criticisms of President Obama have focused strongly on religion, and specifical...
Nơi truyền bá thông tin hiệu quả nhất là Facebook 13 Apr 2012 | 11:43 pm
Có lẽ sẽ không cần thiết khi đề cập đến mức độ phổ biến của Facebook, mạng xã hội đông người dùng nhất hiện nay. Theo một nghiên cứu mới đây của Pew Research Center, Facebook đang dần trở thành nơi mà...
La Unión Europea… No quiere separarse 30 May 2012 | 08:04 pm
SEGÚN UNA ENCUESTA REALIZADA POR CENTRO PEW, LA MAYORÍA DE LA POBLACIÓN EUROPEA CREE QUE EL EURO ES ALGO BUENO La crisis deudora que ha causado estragos en Europa por casi tres años ha generado di...