Most pfa related news are at:

XYplorer 12.80 released: Large Tiles view displays 64x64 thumbnails, image dimen... 7 Aug 2013 | 04:06 pm
XYplorer 12.80 released: Large Tiles view displays 64x64 thumbnails, image dimensions, and aspect ratio.
XYplorer(エクスワイプローラー)は、フル装備にして軽量の持ち運び可能なファイルマネージャーであり、Windows エクスプローラーの代用ソフトです。... 2 Aug 2013 | 11:10 am
XYplorer(エクスワイプローラー)は、フル装備にして軽量の持ち運び可能なファイルマネージャーであり、Windows エクスプローラーの代用ソフトです。 シングルペイン(単一画面)とデュアルペイン(二画面表示)があり、どちらを選択してもタブ型インターフェイスを通じて簡単にファイルを表示・整理することができます。 最近ダウンロードした曲が見つからないときは? XYplorerなら、音楽ファイ...
More pfa related news:
Robin Van Persie named PFA Player of the Year 23 Apr 2012 | 06:23 pm
Hot favourite Arsenal striker Robin van Persie was named PFA Player of the Year, while Tottenham Hotspur defender Kyle Walker was the surprise recipient of the Young Player of the Year award. Netherl...
Új posztok!!! 25 Apr 2011 | 12:26 am
van der Vaarték a PFA Év játékosa díjátadón Megszületett Kakáék kislánya! Piqué és Shakira a lelátón csókolóztak Mutu dél-olaszországi villát vesz feleségének Pato - Barbara Berlusconi Liliana Ma...
Frank’s BIG ASS FUNDRAISER for People for Animals – April 28 at Tin Roof Nashville 24 Apr 2012 | 01:44 pm
As you all may know, Frank has a special place in his heart for People for Animals. April 28 at the Tin Roof Nashville, Frank will continue to kick some ass and raise money for PFA. See Appearances ...
MITSIANS THIRD ALUMNI REUNION - 26.12.09 - Saturday - Invitation 25 Dec 2009 | 10:07 pm
Hello All, Hope, everyone is keeping good and doing great. Here is an important information regarding our college (MITS) Alumni meeting this year, 2009. PFA (Please Find Attached) the concerned email...
MITSIANS SECOND ALUMNI REUNION - 27.12.08 - Saturday - Invitation 29 Dec 2008 | 10:16 pm
Hello All, Hope, everyone is keeping good and doing great. Here is an important information regarding our college (MITS) Alumni meeting this year, 2008. PFA (Please Find Attached) the concerned email...
MITSIANS ALUMNI MEETING on 29-12-2007 -- INVITATION 27 Oct 2007 | 05:34 pm
Hello All, Hope, everyone is keeping good and doing great. Here is an important information regarding our college (MITS) Alumni meeting this year, 2007. PFA (Please Find Attached) the concerned email...
3Fs and 3Ts show strongest potential for franchising 28 Mar 2009 | 12:09 am
The Philippine Franchise Association (PFA) recently conducted a free seminar dubbed “Buying the Right Franchise”, zeroing in on the top franchise concepts with the strongest potential these days... C...
PFA Productions - New Deco Stlye Bridge! 15 Jul 2008 | 07:18 am
PFA Productions - New Deco Stlye Bridge! ------------------------------------------- A nice looking bridge! KIT FORM! [1/160] N Scale Single-arch bridg...
Double Bind at the Berkeley Art Museum 21 Jun 2010 | 07:03 am
I've got a BAM/PFA solo show through August 31st, curated by Richard Rinehart. It features my new two-channel piece, Double Bind. Here's a little statement on the piece: A double bind is commonly kno...
Freisteller mit Pfad und Alphakanalmaske 14 Jan 2010 | 06:32 am
Unter dem "Freistellen" von Bildern versteht man das Ausschneiden eines Bildobjektes bzw. die Entfernung des Bildhintergrundes, sodass nur noch das fotografierte Objekt selbst sichtbar bleibt. Die Pfa...