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黑暗物質。守護神。講故事 2 May 2007 | 07:05 am
朋友力薦電影GoldenCompass宣傳網站上的守護神測試,答了二十條問題後它告訴你你的守護神該是什麼,我把這個測試與Blogger的互動部份貼在這裏,請各位不用太認真。對於這個網站和電影宣傳活動,網上有更佳的介紹,就不贅了。 沒正式讀過 Philip Pullman 的原著,只在雜誌上讀過評論,感覺 His Dark Materials 的世界觀很難不拍得幼稚。畢竟你要跟越多的人講一個故事,...
Ask Philip Pullman Anything: Tonight on the BBC World Service 16 Jul 2010 | 01:13 am
Philip will be on the BBC's Have Your Say program. Here's your chance to put your questions to the author of His Dark Materials.
Philip Pullman creates a darker Christ in new assault on the church 27 Mar 2010 | 07:41 am
In the bestselling His Dark Materials books, author Philip Pullman depicted the church as a corrupt and murderous bureaucracy and God as senile, frail and impotent. And, despite condemnation by the Ch...
Northern Lights 9 Jun 2013 | 04:09 pm
Titlu: Northern Lights Autor: Philip Pullman Editura: Scholastic Nr pagini: 397 Părerea mea: 5/5 Primul volum din trilogia His Dark Materials. Tot vreau să o cite...