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Phillip Island Accommodation 17 May 2012 | 11:09 pm
If you need Phillip Island accommodation, then we’ve got a selection of spectacular luxury places for you to consider. One and a half hours from Melbourne, Philip Island offers some of the best natur...
Sam Lowes - Phillip Island, Australia 20 Mar 2012 | 04:37 am
Sam Lowes was forced to settle for fifth place in the opening World Supersport race of the season at Phillip Island in Australia. After qualfying second, the Lincoln rider shot into the lead on his B...
Farm & Cafe web site 16 Nov 2011 | 06:28 pm
A replacement web site for a popular stop-off destination on the main route to Phillip Island. This site is constructed around a WordPress framework and gives the site owner the ability to add and edi...
Aprilia con Biaggi e Laverty per una SBK 2012 da protagonisti 12 Feb 2012 | 04:09 am
Si apre il sipario sulla stagione mondiale Superbike 2012 che scatterà il prossimo 26 febbraio sul circuito australiano di Phillip Island. Per il quarto anno consecutivo l’Aprilia Racing Team si cand...
Moto GP : Australie : Cinquième victoire consécutive de Stoner 16 Oct 2011 | 09:09 pm
Dimanche, 16 octobre 2011 Casey Stoner s'est emparé d'une cinquième victoire consécutive dimanche à Phillip Island, le jour de son 26ème anniversaire, et remporte ainsi son second titre de Champion du...
La Supersport protagonista su Superbike TV 17 Mar 2011 | 09:40 pm
Dopo aver esaurito nelle puntate precedenti il capitolo Superbike di Phillip Island, la puntata di questa sera di Superbike Tv sarà completamente dedicata alla Supersport. Luca Scassa domina la Super...
Jonny Reid Leads Porsche Carrera Cup Lineup 22 Sep 2011 | 02:17 am
With the recent podium finish at Phillip Island, New Zealander Jonny Reid has held his spot as a front-runner in the 2011 Porsche City Index Carrera Cup Australia. The fourth round of the Carrera Cup ...
Jonny Reid Leads Porsche Carrera Cup Lineup 22 Sep 2011 | 02:17 am
With the recent podium finish at Phillip Island, New Zealander Jonny Reid has held his spot as a front-runner in the 2011 Porsche City Index Carrera Cup Australia. The fourth round of the Carrera Cup ...
SBK PHILLIP ISLAND (AUSTRALIA) Carreras 2 Mar 2011 | 02:22 am
Menudo comienzo de temporada, esto si que pone y no lo de Antena3. Carlos Checa empieza con autoridad. Aquí os dejamos los resumenes así como las carreras para que vayais calentando asientos.............