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At least 30 injured in police firing in Assam's Cachar District 27 Aug 2013 | 05:36 pm
At least 30 injured in police firing in Assam's Cachar District Guwahati, Aug.26 (ANI): At least 30 people, including a superintendent of police and seven policemen, were injured in police firing on ...
Jodi Arias Will she face the death penalty? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:34 pm
Jodi Arias Will she face the death penalty? An Arizona judge presiding over the high-profile murder trial of Jodi Arias could on Monday schedule jury selection to begin in September to decide whether...
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Forumrunner – Access GT-Rider Forums on your Smart Phone 18 May 2012 | 04:04 pm
Forumrunner is a smart phone forum access application, integrated into vBulletin. It provides the software tools required for viewing posts, editing, uploading and messaging. The Forumrunner home pag...
Samsung Acclaim Unboxing 25 Jul 2012 | 10:23 am
Aaron takes a look at the Samsung Acclaim, US Cellular’s first Android device. With an 800 MHz processor, 3.2-inch display, Android 2.1, and a full QWERTY keyboard, it’s a nice mid-range phone. Forums...
What to expect from Nokia's next Windows phone 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Forum: Cell Phones Posted By: forum_admin Post Time: 17-08-2012 at 09:24 AM
Predstavitev 1 Jul 2009 | 10:04 pm
Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli na najstarejšem slovenskem stavnem forumu Forum se je rodil decembra 2002, bil prenovljen v letu 2004 in potem ostal 5 let na istem nivoju. Po več poskusih nam ...
Google mobile app to identify people’s faces 1 Apr 2011 | 01:09 am
You meet someone in the restaurant and want to know his/her personal profile. You don’t even have to ask him. Just take your mobile phone and snap...
Top 5 Facebook Marketing Mistakes Small Businesses Make 30 Mar 2011 | 01:25 am
by Leyl Master Black, Mashable | American Express Forum | March 28, 2011 While Facebook marketing is on the rise among small businesses, many are still struggling to master the basics. “Many people ...
Promise of a post-illegal copy world. Part I: History of Intellectual Property 21 Jan 2010 | 03:02 pm
Lots of Internet forum discussions with various people on the subject of computer piracyillegal copying and intellectual property were my inspiration for this article. Along with the discussions, a l...
Phone sex with Milla Viasotti 12 Jun 2011 | 08:48 pm
Milla Viasotti dresses sexy before taking a phone sex call from one of her members. Look at that amazing body! Look at that hot shemale ass! It should be spanked. TS Milla smiles, liking what she is...
Lets Meet NexusOne : web meets phone 8 Jan 2012 | 02:00 pm
First Impressions -Google is know for it search power so one of major features for the Nexus One is this feature you literally search as you type and results from the phone and the web appear. It seam...
Forum Design für Referenzmappe 17 May 2012 | 04:08 am
Hi Mal wieder was neues von mir. Hoffe es gefällt euch. Soll für meine Bewerbungsmappe sein Hier lang Würde mich über jede Menge Feedback freuen!