Most photo challenge related news are at:
Döppersberg Baustelle – August 24 Aug 2013 | 10:59 pm - Fotoblog Von Tag zu Tag verändert sich die Situation auf der Baustelle . Das grosse Berg ist schon fast Kommplet abgetragen . The post Döppersberg Baustelle – August appeared first on cz...
Just Pink in Wuppertal 23 Aug 2013 | 05:09 pm - Fotoblog Am gestrigen Abend gab Just Pink vor dem Brauhaus ein Konzert . Eine wirklich gelungene Vorstellung , mit vieler Guter Musik und perfekten Stimmung . Schade nur das ich kein Tel...
More photo challenge related news:
2 Week Photo Challenge 7 May 2012 | 04:00 am
So, I decided to do a 14 day photo challenge. Why not, right? I am an avid Instagram-er, so I’m always snapping something anyway. Here’s the whole list, in case you’d like to participate too! 1 ...
or not – Weekly Photo Challenge | Colorful 24 Jul 2011 | 05:00 pm
Hi everyone, I said I would post at least once per week and I’m just making it by re-posting one of my old photos. Today’s posting is also special because July 24th is my cat’s birthday. Cinnamon is 1...
I ♥ Faces - Week 13 | "Dramatic B&W 29 Mar 2010 | 03:34 pm
I chose this photo for this weeks dramatic b&w photo challenge. This is my daughter in a beautiful field of spring flowers. With this picture being b&w I can actually feel the mood here and I can stil...
HAPPINESS IS #15 13 Apr 2012 | 12:43 pm
Happiness is... ...having someone to split the calories with ☻ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My share for: 366 BLOG PHOTO CHALLENGE | --------------...
Today, May 10th, marked the launch of ellesse Heritage’s ‘City Portraits Photo Challenge’ — challenging us all to take a photo a day inspired or influenced by the set ‘Theme’ for each day (listed abov...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Blue 18 May 2012 | 04:33 am
How lovely is it that the photo challenge topic this week is my favourite colour? And how horrible is it that I don’t have a lot of photos with blue as the primary colour?!? That is, until I opened ...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused 6 May 2012 | 06:09 am
What I love about London is the little discoveries you make around the corner. My discoveries tend to be about food, mostly places to eat and what’s great to eat at these great places to eat. Once o...
Weekly Photo Challenge: Together 29 Apr 2012 | 11:08 pm
This was taken very early on a work day week. I looked up and I saw these 2 seagulls on top of a lamp post.
Long Time 15 Nov 2007 | 09:28 am
So I know it's been a really long time since I posted but work, kids, college age kids and just day to day life is keeping me busy. I also am having photo challenges so feel bad about not posting phot...
Day 7 Photo Challenges 8 Feb 2012 | 04:10 pm
Chantelle's Challenge for today was Button. Please visit Li'l Jam Hands~Tattered Apron Strings to see my other Day 7 challenge photo. Brooke's Challenge was Animal.