Most photographing running tap water related news are at:

My Grandma’s Barn 3 Jun 2010 | 10:59 am
Every month or so, my grandma will give us some free range eggs and sometimes chickens too. Not to forget some fresh fruit she has so lovingly planted and harvested! All ala natural and pesticide free...
Vote For Me 26 May 2010 | 03:35 am
Love photography? Love to travel? Intrigued to to see and hear about new places to visit? Search no more! You’ve come to the one stop travel photography blog! I’m proud to announce that the Singapor...
More photographing running tap water related news:
Quick Tips to use Water wisely 6 Mar 2012 | 01:36 pm
Healthy teeth, healthy rivers Remember to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth - a running tap wastes over 6 litres per minute. If the entire adult population of Australia remembered to do this...
Reason #23 9 May 2012 | 01:03 pm
Went for a run on the bike path along the water today, half a block from my house. Saw dolphins jumping in the Strait of Magellan. Didn't get a photograph so I don't have anything to post, but you get...
Delta Pilar 980T-SSSD-DST Single Handle Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet 29 Dec 2011 | 06:48 am
With Touch2O Technology it doesn t matter if you have two full hands or 10 messy fingers. Tap anywhere on the spout or handle and the water is running. You are sure to fall in love with just one touch...
wasting water is weird, just ask rip 12 Aug 2011 | 06:53 am
You know that you should take shorter showers, turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, and run full loads in the dishwasher. But, tell us the truth…are you? Perhaps the next time you’re wasting wat...
Camargue 2014 Workshop 17 Apr 2013 | 03:03 am
Horses, Horses, Horses! Discover the White Horses of the Camargue with Carol Walker and Judi Hagen Have you dreamed of photographing horses running, horses in water, and horses at liberty? Do you want...
Working on water 3 Jun 2013 | 05:31 pm
[From 9-May-2013] At work on water: Rochelle changes an shutoff valve—a tap!—to the 1″ header pipe that runs from the well through the field. Not exactly a big pipe by irrigation standards, OK for our...
Sand near the water's edge. 12 Aug 2013 | 05:55 pm
Just a quick little outfit post for you guys. I'm going to keep it short this time and just let you enjoy the photographs. I have a million little errands to run since I'm flying on Saturday. And I'm ...
Texas Towns Running Out of Water Due To Fracking 16 Aug 2013 | 05:18 pm
Beverly McGuire saw the warning signs before the town well went dry: sand in the toilet bowl, the sputter of air in the tap, a pump working overtime to no effect. But it still did not prepare her for ...