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More photoshop neon graffiti related news:
grafffiti nail art, teal magnolias nail art, neon graffiti nail art, long nail art, graffiti nails, country flower nails, flower garden nails, teal ma... 14 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
Neon Graffiti Nail Art Flower Garden - Teal Magnolias Nail Art
Estilo de texto de Neón para Photoshop 16 May 2012 | 01:00 am
Si bien no recuerdo donde haber visto el artículo original con este recurso, la cuestión es que doy nuevamente con el mismo y me veo en la obligación de compartirlo con Uds, ya que se trata de un efec...
hier mal ein guter kommentar zu dem posting von vorhin: Luísa Lión hat gesagt… hmm also das Bild sollen nun echte sein? Die große Graffiti Bag hat aber auch ziemlich helle Henkel also so sehen die g...
Neon Teks Effects 4 Nov 2009 | 07:59 pm
Adobe Photoshop memang serba guna, dari mulai untuk mengedit photo hingga membuat design Web semuanya bisa dilakukan. Tapi untuk sekarang saya tidak akan membahas edit photo ataupun design web, sekara...
Style Néon avec photoshop 29 May 2011 | 11:01 am
Voici un exemple d’effet néon possible sous photoshop: Crée un nouveau Document (Ctrl+N), puis crée un calque dans la palette des calques. Choisir l’outil Pinceau , puis la forme que vous désiré...
The Mac : Negative Graffiti 25 Apr 2008 | 02:57 pm
The Mac, is a graffiti artist from Phoenix. Here’s a piece incredible. Why ? Because when you take this picture and you create its negative (with photoshop for example) you’ll get the picture with the...
Stencil Graffiti Stormtrooper Photoshop Tutorial 18 Feb 2010 | 08:17 am
In this tutorial we are going to have a quick look at how easily you can use bushes in photoshop to create some really great effects. The methods used in this tutorial are not limited to stormtroopers...
Graffiti brush 30 Apr 2010 | 09:38 am
If you like graffiti painting in photoshop, you can brush some of the top stars, flowers, grass and other symbols as decoration, this brush is suitable.
Typography Graffiti Letter Illustrator – Efsel 11 Oct 2012 | 12:42 pm
Here are some Typography Graffiti Letter Illustrator. Called Efsel, is a graffiti graphic design, or can be called digital graffiti. They are usually created by using photoshop or illustrator software...
Tutorial - Efeito Neon no Photoshop 2 Feb 2013 | 05:30 pm
O Photoshop é uma ferramenta que nos permite fazer e criar muitas coisas com nossas imagens. Um efeito muito interessante é o efeito de neon que pose ser realizado por muitas formas diferentes. Nesta ...