Most photoshop vs gimp related news are at:

Top Geek Apps 1 Oct 2011 | 05:15 am
Every true geek will no doubt be excited about the prospect of filling up their smartphone with a good range of geeky apps – so here’s just a few of the best… FAIL Maker Understand the hilarity of a...
Top Four Minecraft Fans We Could Do Without 1 Sep 2011 | 10:50 pm
We’ve tooted here about Minecraft before, but now Slashdot has discovered it… or maybe become more aware of it. Slashdot examines the question of whether Minecraft could change the gaming industry. Wh...
More photoshop vs gimp related news:
Photoshop Vs Photoscape: Mana Editor Gambar Terbaik? 21 Apr 2012 | 08:45 am
Berkat popularitas yang luar biasa dari kamera digital telah berhasil menang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, seni indah fotografi tersedia untuk setiap orang. Meskipun, tentu saja, ini cukup relatif, k...
Photoshop vs Lightroom vs Freeware 18 May 2012 | 10:55 pm
Both Photoshop and Lightroom are fantastic programs by themselves, but are simply amazing when used to complement the other. They serve their own purpose, which is why it would be better to learn and ...
Ubuntu: Gimp, for Typography, is pretty gimpy. 13 Dec 2010 | 02:50 am
The proposed replacement for Photoshop is Gimp. Aside from the name I'm told, and have read that Gimp is every bit as powerful as Photoshop. Today I tackled my first actual task in Gimp. The past f...
ImageMagick: Die Magie der Bildverarbeitung im Terminal 21 Sep 2011 | 10:13 pm
Bildverarbeitung in der Komandozeile, das mag sich für einige sicherlich ziemlich merkwürdig anhören. Und es gibt mit Sicherheit eine Menge guter Gründe, ein Programm wie Photoshop oder GIMP zu verwen...
Photoshop VS Corel Draw 22 Oct 2009 | 04:57 pm
Antara photoshop dan coreldraw sebenarnya memilii kesamaan yaitu sesama software grafis computer. Cuman kalau photoshop, dia berbasis bitmap. Jadi software ini lebih baik untuk utak-atik image. Sedang...
FreeLogoCreator 10 Apr 2011 | 12:16 pm
Most people think that if you want a logo, you have to pony up some money for a graphic designer or you have to learn the very complex Photoshop or Gimp. That is no longer the case with this tool! Jus...
présentation de genesis 10 Dec 2008 | 07:32 am
voici ma présentation : 1_ pseudo : graph'man 2_ tes logiciels : photoshop, photophiltre, GIMP 3_ ton but : devenir un super graphiste ! 4_ tes loisirs : dessiner, faire des forums, faire du graph...
Ebeneneffekte (ähnlich Photoshop) mit GIMP 26 Oct 2009 | 05:00 pm
Die GIMP-Erweiterung Layer Effects erweitert das Ebenenmenü um 10 Effekte, die auf Ebenen angewendet werden können, so wie man es von Photoshop kennt. Mit dieser Erweiterung lassen sich problemlos Eff...
Photoshop Vs Fireworks: Does one edges out the other in web layout design 21 Oct 2011 | 05:36 pm
When it comes to editing images (whatever the purpose is) the name which comes to the fore is Photoshop! Now you must be saying why only Photoshop not any other software? Some would even argue that th...
Useful Collection of Free Photoshop PSD Files 11 Dec 2009 | 04:59 am
you should make some changes to website’s graphics: header, footer, background image and order button. You have got .psd files for those graphics so you can open them in Photoshop or Gimp and make you...